Fit to Print . Spring 2020 . Volume 29 Number 1
At the risk of repeating ourselves, this issue’s cover story focuses on something that, in our opinion, bears reiteration – the member experience at Fitness Incentive is unparalleled. Who says so? You do. (see article) And not just once. In 2018 and 19, The Relationship People (TRP) have awarded FI its highest honor – Operator of the Year, Best Member Experience. This isn’t just Best of Long Island – TRP polls members across three continents for nearly 1000 clubs. That’s a pretty big group, to say the least, and your gym stands at the very top of the pile. We attribute this to the amazing community that is FI – a symbiosis of members and staff that connect on a personal level and find enjoyment and inspiration in each other. It’s a rare experience that we all share, especially in a world in which technology has made us often more physically distant from each other, even as we are more connected than ever. So thank you, and congratulations – this award is clearly as much about you as it is about us, as you can’t have the best member experience without the best members.
New Stuff is Coming!
To the Gym and the Spa
2020 promises to be yet another year of significant and exciting investments in our facilities. While we are planning some things that have game-changing potential (too early to reveal), we also have a few smaller upgrades that we hope will excite you.
Assault Self-powered Treadmills
We’ll be adding two Assault Treadmills to our already burgeoning collection of cardio equipment. The Assault AirRunner is a premier elite fitness running machine that packs an intense workout into a small package. The name says it all – it’s like running on air, but with a great amount of punch. It’s perfect for HIIT training between sets or running sprint intervals, so we’re planning on putting them right on the weight room floor. They should be here any day – keep an eye out.
New Nail Salon and Laser Treatment Room
There’s a big upgrade in progress in the Spa, too. We’ve added a new Laser Service treatment room, and are redesigning and refitting the entire Nail Salon: New Manicure stations, new Pedicure benches – the works! It’ll not only be new but beautiful. The work is already underway and should be completed soon. Take a peek next time you’re in the Spa.
New Classes, Too!
We’re always tweaking the class schedule to keep it fresh and challenging, and we have a couple of new classes that are starting this Spring:
Salsa and Bachata Latin Dance – Mondays at 7 pm (1 hour)
With Maria Mancini – This Latin dance class, includes Salsa on 2, and Dominican Bachata. This class offers basic footwork, styling tips for both men and women, salsa body motion, salsa/bachata timing, spinning, and how to develop your own individual style on the dance floor. No partner needed! Have fun dancing while you get fit! It starts on April 6th.
Bounce TNT-Wednesday at 6:15 am (30 minutes)
With Keryn Arnold/Katy German – Get your cardio in with this fast and furious rebounder class. High-intensity rebounder work incorporating drills, timed sets, and floorwork. The class starts on March 18th.
It’s Spring, and it’s Spa-tacular!
The most awaited Spa event of the Spring is nigh upon us: Spring Spa-Tacular 2020! April 20th to May 2nd, enjoy fantastic savings on your favorite Spa and Salon services. (Learn More). Bookings start April 6th – On your mark, get set….

Fantastic Four Season
The 2020 edition of the Fantastic Four Challenge is underway, with over 100 participants working in teams of four towards their Beach Body best. Good luck to you all!
Not in the Contest? Here’s an Alternative
Eat Smart has teamed up with Eat Better Meals for a 10-Week Challenge to get you ready for summer. The Summer Prep Challenge will include an initial consult and measurements with Nutritionist, Liz Keller. Guided program with weekly meal prep deliveries or pick up. Bi-weekly nutritional counseling sessions to keep you on track through out the challenge and teach you habits to continue after the challenge is complete.
Challenge starts March 21st. Sign up at the desk today!
March Workshops
We have a couple of interesting workshops coming up in late March:
Pilates for Back Pain
With Dina Voigt – Saturday, March 28th, from 1-3 pm. $20 for members, $25 non-members. (Learn more) Sign up at the desk.

Glute Lab
With Kellie Meigel – Saturday, March 28th, 7:30 am $25 for members, $30 for non-members. The latest installment of this very popular workshop. Sign up at the desk.
COVID Concerns: Keeping It Cleaner Than Ever
As you know, at Fitness Incentive we have always taken cleanliness very seriously. In response to the virus, we have intensified our already robust cleaning regimen. We have increased our regular enviro-mist spraying as well as surface cleaning throughout the facility. We have also increased the frequency of cleaning in the Spa. We are continuing to monitor the impact of the corona virus (COVID-19) and will take all appropriate measures to protect the health of our members and staff.
What You Can Do:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. We have Purell dispenser stations throughout the gym and are in the process of adding more.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Wipe down any and all equipment before and after use. Spray bottles and paper towels are placed throughout the gym.
• If you believe that you may have been exposed to the virus, see your doctor and follow her advice. Stay home if you are so instructed and contact us to put your membership on freeze.
• If you are feeling sick or have flu-like symptoms, please stay home and get well. Again, contact us, and we will put your membership on freeze.
• If you are feeling anxious and don’t feel comfortable attending right now, contact us, and we will put your membership on freeze.
Your health and fitness are our number one priority. If you have any concerns, please contact us.
Stay Healthy and Have a Happy Spring!
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