Parking at Fitness Incentive

Fitness Incentive is fortunate to have the largest private parking lot in Babylon Village. Despite that, you may, at certain times, have a problem finding a space in our lot. Luckily we also have access to a large amount of public parking. The map below shows where you can park for free and metered for a small hourly fee ($.25) in these public lots. It also shows where you should NOT park, such as private lots and reserved village lots.
Parking permits are required for parking in the Fitness Incentive parking lot. Pick yours up at the desk. Violators are subject to ticketing and towing. Please park in designated areas and spaces ONLY. Commuter parking and other long-term parking is prohibited. The lot is reserved for the exclusive use of gym customers and employees, and the customers and employees of other businesses that occupy 157-175 Deer Park Avenue. Any other use is subject to ticketing. Also be aware that our lot is patrolled and cars that have expired registrations and inspections are also subject to ticketing, regardless of whether you have an FI parking permit.