Fit to Print . Spring 2018 . Volume 27 Number 1
Rites of Spring
Legend has it that you can tell that it’s spring when the swallows return to Capistrano. At FI we have a different tradition – it’s called the contest, and like the famous birds of Mission San Juan, its arrival is a sure harbinger of rising temperatures, but also of dropping pounds – lots of pounds! This year’s contest is already underway, having kicked off on March 11th. It will run for ten weeks, straight through to the week before Memorial Day, when the winners will be determined and feted at the traditional end of contest party (this year at the Post Office café!). This year we have 34 teams of 4 competing – one of the largest groups ever – and we expect to see stunning results, as we always do. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates throughout the contest. And good luck to all the challengers!
Eating Better Meals Just Got Easy
One of the biggest challenges faced by most of us is finding the time to prepare healthy, delicious meals for ourselves and our families. For a long time, we’ve been looking for a solution to this problem that we could share with our members, and we’ve finally found it. It’s called, simply, Eat Better Meals (EBM). You’ve probably seen the EBM frig in the café, or in our numerous emails and facebook posts touting the service. We’re in love with it. They provide two ways to get your meals. You can just walk into the Skylite café, amble over to the EBM fridge, pick out your meal, pay at the counter and go. Simple. Or, you can pre-order your meals and have them delivered – free – to the Skylite Café. Again, just pop in, pick them up and go. It’s that easy.They even offer tailored meal plans, including weight loss and vegan options! Just place your order on the Eat Better Meals website and pick it up at FI. It doesn’t get much easier – or more delicious – than that. Plus, you save an additional 10% on your orders when you use our exclusive discount code, FITINC10. Pretty great.

And It Just Got Even Better!
Now EBM has teamed up with FI to deliver Cor’s Choice meals. These are Cor’s recipes, developed by Cor, perfected by Cor, and now delivered by Eat Better Meals. The first selection is Cor’s Famous Chipotle Steamed Salmon. It’s delicious, nutritious organic Salmon and sautéed Kale. Simple and effective, and most importantly, Cor approved. Try it today – I’m telling you, you’ll be blown away.
Refresher: Cor’s Chipotle Steamed Salmon Video

Drink Up, McLovin!
While we were busy introducing Eat Better Meals, we also took some time to upgrade the beverage selection in the café. We’re excited to be offering Health-Ade Kombucha, Monfefo Ginger Shots (boom!), OWYN plant-based Protein shakes and Penta ultra-purified water. So drink up and wash it down!
Clean Eating Challenge – the sequel.
It’s apparently all about eating this issue! Back by popular demand, it’s the Eat Smart 30-day, 3-phase clean eating plan! This “Spring Cleaning” Challenge has been designed to remove the bad (sugars, processed foods, simple carbs) and add only the good (healthy fats, plants, and lean meats) with some fun surprises along the way (a cleanse/ detox day, new products and supplements). Create a New Healthy Lifestyle with lasting results!
- Lose Weight
- Restore Health
- Increase Energy
- Reduce Brain Fog
- Utilize Supplements
- Receive support from fellow participants, email and Facebook private group
The new session starts April 1st. Learn more here.
Spring Spa-tacular
Another annual rite of spring is our two-week Spatacular event. This year’s event runs from April 16th to the 28th. All your favorite spa and salon services are available at incredible savings. Learn more here.
Bookings start April 1st. Book early – spots fill up fast!

“I Always Wanted To Try A Dance Fitness Class…”
“…but I’m intimidated by the choreography…”
If this sounds familiar, then the Streetbeats Master Class is for you!
First hour: learn around ten amazing dances, broken down, step by step. Second hour: straight dancing and sweating and showing off all you’ve learned! THEN, join us at Streetbeats at Fitness Incentive every Tuesday and Friday (6:00 PM both days) bringing your arsenal of new, calorie burning dances!
Street Beats Master Class: Sunday, March 25th 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
$30 Members – $40 Non-members
Happy Spring!
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