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Fit to Print    .   Autumn 2020    .    Volume 29 Number 3

Together, Again!

The FI Community Regroups.

This is our first issue of Fit To Print since we were forced to close back in March. That’s 6 months gone by, which is more than hard to believe. The alternative universe we’ve all populated these past months is still with us, but hopefully, the return of the gym marks the beginning of the end and a return to some semblance of normalcy.

Many members have returned. You may be among them, and if so, thank you! Your determination to get back to working out with your friends at FI gives us all cause for hope.

If you haven’t come back yet, we get it. There are a ton of very good reasons for taking a “wait and see” approach. School schedules are barely ordered chaos, work arrangements are fluid and changing, and New York State regulations seem to change with every news conference. Beyond that,  some of us have elderly parents to worry about or have health concerns ourselves that make coming back right now problematic. Whether your already back or not ready yet, one thing we can all agree on is that we can’t wait for this to be over and for life to return to normal.

Having said that, we have received a lot of inquiries over the past few weeks about the reopening, and we thought we’d take a little space to answer some of the most frequently asked questions. Here goes…


Answers to some of the most common questions and concerns about the gym reopening…

Is it safe to come back?

The short answer is yes. Fitness Incentive has passed inspection by Suffolk County and meets or exceeds all New York State requirements for safe operation.
But coming back is a very personal decision, based on your own health, the health of your family members, and other factors. You should come back when you are ready. We will keep your membership on billing freeze until you are ready to return.

What has Fitness Incentive done to comply with NYS COVID Guidelines?

Everything required and more! Beyond capacity limits, intensified cleaning, masks, distancing, MERV 13 air filters, health screening before entry, and more, we have implemented some things to make it easier for you to feel comfortable returning. For example:

  • We are holding several outdoor classes every day. Outdoor activity has been shown to be very low risk.
  • We are monitoring capacity at the gym by requiring all members to both check-in and check-out, and we are sharing our capacity online in real-time. This allows you to know exactly how many people are working out in the gym at any given moment so that you can attend at times of low usage.
  • We are health screening all members and employees as they enter the gym.
  • We’ve not only increased our already intense cleaning protocols, but we’ve also applied biofilm nanotechnology spray on the touch surfaces of all equipment, and installed UV-C disinfecting lights, which we run nightly. UV-C has been shown to be deadly to the Corona Virus.

In short, we’re doing everything we possibly can to keep the environment clean and safe for you.

I’m not ready to come back in person; can I still take video classes?

Yes! You’ll, but you’ll need to reactivate your membership. All active members can take our live and recorded video classes. We offer several live video classes every day, and hundreds of pre-recorded ones for on-demand viewing. Getting access is simple. Go to our website and click on Live Access on the main menu to open the Video Workouts page. In the “Already a Member” section, click on “Request Access.” Fill out the form and submit. Then log-in using the user name and password you just created. That’s it!

Where can I see what today’s live video classes are?

You can tell which classes are being broadcast as live videos by looking at the class schedule. Video classes will indicate “Video Class” as the class location, and on the website, they will have an “ONLINE” button that links to the live video viewing page.

Theresa, Jourdan, Cor & Liz

Do I have to wear a mask while I’m working out?

Yes. Right now, New York State is requiring a mask at all times while in the gym. But, you are NOT required to wear a mask outside while socially distancing. So during outdoor classes, where we require a 6-foot distance between all exercisers, you do NOT have to wear a mask.

I want to come back, but I don’t want to wear a mask. What are my options?

The easy answer is that you can take both outdoor and video classes without a mask. But you may also find that working out in a mask is manageable. Several companies are now making “exercise-friendly” masks, including Halo, Space Masks, Athleta, and others. Many members that thought wearing a mask would be difficult have found that it isn’t as bad as they feared. You have to do what makes you comfortable, and if you have breathing issues, working out in a mask may not be a good idea. But for many, it’s a minor inconvenience. There are tons of choices and new ones coming out all the time. Here’s a good reference: Best Masks for Working Out. 


I’ve rejoined, and I want to take a class. Do I have to sign up ahead of time?

Yes. Because class sizes are limited to enforce social distancing, we are requiring members to pre-register for any class they wish to take. It’s very easy to do! Using the app, tap on the Find a Class tile, and locate the class you want to take. The class description will show you how many spots are left. If there are spots left, simply touch the class, and tap Book Class at the bottom of the screen. You can reserve a class starting 24 hours before the class. You may cancel without charge up to 6 hours before the class. There is a $10 no show fee if you fail to cancel before the 6-hour deadline.

I want to take a class but its full…

You can join the waitlist. You have two ways to do this. One, on our website, click Programs on the main menu, then select Register for a Class. Find the class you want to enroll in. If it is full you will see a Join Waitlist button on the far right. Click it. You’re on the waitlist and will be notified if a spot opens up in the class.
OR: Call us! We’ll add you to the waitlist. You will get notified if someone cancels and you can reserve a spot in the class.

What do I do if I am exposed to someone that has tested positive for COVID?

New York State defines exposure as being within 6 ft of the person with COVID for 10 minutes or longer. This is termed “prolonged intimate contact.” If such contact occurs, New York State requires you to quarantine for 14 days and recommends you visit a health care practitioner to be tested for the virus. If you have been exposed, the virus will usually present within 4-5 days (although many experience no or minor symptoms). If you have been coming to the gym and have been exposed as described above, you should follow the recommendations for quarantining and also let us know as soon as possible.

I’m not feeling good…

Stay home! If you have any of these symptoms: Fever of 100.4OF or greater, a new cough, new loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath, contact your health care provider and get tested. 

I’m Having Technical Issues! Help!

If you’re experiencing technical issues accessing the app, registering for classes or viewing video classes, check out our Quick Fixes by clicking here.

Meet Nicole, Our Newest Personal Trainer

Nicole Santaniello is an ISSA-certified Personal Trainer. Aside from being in the gym, Nicole has a passion for running, having started in middle school. She began as a sprinter and is now an endurance runner. Part of a running team, Nicole has run half- and full marathons and plans to run many more in the future.

Health, encompassing both mental and physical fitness, has always been a passion for Nicole. Throughout her life, she has competed in sports, and she’s found that pushing herself both mentally and physically has given her great satisfaction.

“The body is capable of hard things,” says Nicole, “but it’s the mind you need to convince. This is something I have always told myself when stepping on that start line at the track, and it’s something I want to instill into others. Health and Fitness is more than an outside look, it starts from the inside. Strong mind, strong body!”

Poptober is Coming!

It’s time to have a little fun again, and in the spirit of everything Halloweeny, FI is introducing “Poptober,” (see above) featuring five Halloween-inspired pop-up classes that will have you shrieking. All five will take place outdoors, under the carport. Space is limited and registration is required. $20 for Members $35 for non-members. Call or stop by the desk.

And So is Spatober!

Our annual Fall Spa event is scheduled to run from October 19th through the 31st. Amazing savings on your favorite Spa and Salon services. Booking starts Thursday,  October 1st. Book online at, on our mobile app (under “Extras”) or call the Spa at 631-893-3490. Don’t miss out – this event sells out quickly!

Thank you, again

It’s been a terribly trying 6 months for us all. Hopefully, the worst is now behind us and we can focus on the road ahead. We want to take a moment to thank you – our members, our friends, our FI family – again, for your loyalty, your words of support and encouragement, your resolve, and your friendship. To all of you who have stuck with us through this difficult time – we are forever grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 


Cor, Ken and Jourdan

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