Fit to Print . Spring 2023 . Volume 32 Number 1

We’re About Spring Some Spring on You!
Spring is always the busiest time at FI, and 2023 is even more so than usual. There’s a ton of new and exciting stuff happening, so without further ado, let’s get to it!
On the Cover
Before we start telling you about everything new and improved, it’s fitting we should begin by paying a small tribute to that which has proven to be immutable; the focus of our cover story for this issue, Linda Bornholdt, affectionately known as Miss Linda. Miss Linda has been with us at FI for as long as any of us can remember, and she has helped raise two generations of kids in the FI nursery (including my own daughter and now my granddaughter). As one of the parents interviewed for the article put it, “she is the heart and soul of Fitness Incentive.” We couldn’t agree more. She not only nurtures the children under her care, she truly loves them, and it shows. I’m convinced from first-hand experience that the socialization skills they pick up in the nursery set them off on the path to success in life as caring, connected individuals. You rarely encounter people of such character and loyalty as Linda. We’re exceptionally fortunate to have her as part of the FI Family. Read more about Linda here: The Incomparable Miss Linda
In The Gym
Let’s start with the cosmetic: the total refresh is on! New anti-microbial carpet in Studio X (aka The Big Room), fresh paint everywhere, subtle upgrades, and general sprucing from the ground up. I think they used to call it “Spring Cleaning,” except FI is never allowed to get dirty to begin with. Or Old. In fact. “it never gets old at Fitness Incentive,” but you already knew that.
Power 45 is Back!
The very popular Power 45 program is back! This outdoor boot-camp-style program, led by Jourdan and Liz, returns this April! Each class is limited to 12 persons, max. It will be offered Wednesdays at 5:30 pm and Saturdays at 9:30 am. It’s an 8-week program starting April 12th or April 15th (depending on the day you choose). This program fills up real fast, so if you’re interested. Visit the Front Desk to sign up (and more info.)
Eat Smart is Getting So Smart, It’s Becoming Well Choices!
Eat Smart has been a part of FI for nearly two decades, and it has helped hundreds of people manage their dietary concerns and goals. Now it’s evolving, expanding its offerings, and becoming Healthy Nutrition Therapy by Well Choices. HNT will augment the in-person services that we had under Eat Smart with virtual sessions and its very own mobile app! Cooler still, DNA testing and analysis will become a core part of the program. You’ll learn about your genetic predispositions, and we’ll use them to develop dietary plans tailored to your genetics. Much of what you love about Eat Smart isn’t going away; most importantly, Liz Keller, CNT, will still be the program manager and nutritionist. And the foundation of the program will still be the real-world person-to-person contact that is essential to really know and trust someone. You can learn more about Healthy Nutrition Therapy in Liz’s article in this newsletter.
In The Cafe & Boutique
Yes, there’s excitement in the Cafe, where Hampton Coffees just debuted, and in the Boutique as well, where new lines of Spring Fashion have hit the shelves. You can learn more about both in this issue!
And There’s “The Contest”
I almost forgot to mention it! The annual springtime Beach Body Challenge is underway! We’ll be posting the winners and the complete results in our Summer Issue in June. Good luck to all, and may the most dynamic duo prevail!
In the Spa
There’s even more going on in the Spa, if that’s possible!
Botox, At Last!
The big news, as you may have seen, is that Botox is coming to Incentives Spa! We are very excited to be partnering with Latoya Morgan, ANP-BC. Latoya is an experienced Nurse Practitioner with a passion for aesthetic medicine. We are incredibly fortunate to have her at Incentives, where she also provides Pain Management through Trigger Point injections. Latoya will make her debut on Saturday, March 25th, from 9 am – 5 pm. There may still be a few appointments left, so if you’re interested, act fast. (Learn more here)
It’s Spa-tacular Time!
Next up, the annual event of the spring season is coming: The Spring SPAtacular – a fortnight of Spa and Salon splurging and savings that can’t be matched. It’s scheduled for April 17th – 29th, and booking starts April 3rd. You’re best advised to get on this quickly, as appointments fill up super-fast.
Stretch Therapy in the Spa
Stretching is not only fundamental to fitness but can also provide release and relief from pain and a host of other physical maladies. In that regard, we’re fortunate to have Michael Illicete on our gym and spa staff. Michael holds certifications in Personal Training and Nutrition, Functional Movement Screening, and Stretch Theory and Practice. And he is putting his expertise to good use in the gym as a personal trainer and now as a stretch therapist in the Spa. If you like massage, Stretch Therapy is something that you must try – all we hear are raves! You can learn more about Michael and Stretch Therapy in this issue.
Geneo is Coming (again)
After a little false start last summer, we’re excited to announce that Geneo will be coming to the Spa this April! For those that need a little refresher, Geneo is a “Next Generation” solution for skin care. Dubbed “The Facial of the Future,” Geneo is a breakthrough device that unlocks the body’s natural superpowers. It uses its proprietary Oxfoliate™ with O2 bubbles amplified by ultrasound. There’s no other machine quite like it! As Geneo puts it, it is the “gateway to extraordinary outcomes for your skin.” It will be back at Incentives Spa next month! Watch for announcements!
Supplements Are Coming Soon
Finally, you may have noticed that we set up a TV screen and display shelving, promising that supplements are coming. And they are! We are working closely with Dr. Donna Brown, Liz Keller, CNS, and several premiere supplement companies to assemble a high-quality line of targeted supplements. We are being highly selective and putting a lot of research into our choices, so it’s taking a little longer than we expected. Keep an eye out – when they arrive, it will be worth the wait.
We’ve all been waiting impatiently – now get out and enjoy the Spring!
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