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Fit to Print  .  Autumn 2023  .  Volume 32 Number 3

Here We Are In The Years

Fitness Incentive burst onto the scene in early August of 1984, meaning we are now enjoying our 40th year of existence. To give some reference points, Ronald Reagan was President, and Jane Fonda’s home workout videos were the fitness breakthrough du jour. The ill-conceived low-fat diet craze was sweeping the nation. Smartphones? No chance – dumb old cell phones didn’t even exist. No music streaming services either – you bought LPs and played them on a phonograph. CDs had literally just been invented. Dynasty, Dallas, and The Cosby Show (Bill was America’s favorite Dad in those days) were battling it out for the top spot on TV. The music scene was in the middle of its Madonna/Michael Jackson/Prince/Springsteen period. Taylor Swift wouldn’t be born for another five years. Fitness Incentive offered two classes a day, both taught by Cor after she got home from working a full day in NYC. The schedule was highly dependent on the timeliness of the LIRR, which is to say it was always at risk. 

The point?

It’s been quite a while and quite a ride! We’re now witnessing the third generation begin their discovery of the magic that is Fitness Incentive, and we couldn’t be more encouraged or excited! While the founding generation is still plugging along and not quite ready to hand off the baton, we welcome the infusion of young ideas, young blood, and the evolution of the health and fitness industry. We’re in no mood to rush into the future, but I have to admit I’m looking forward to the day when Quinn teaches her first class at FI. Maybe it’ll be a three-way with her mom, Jourdan, and her “GC,” Cor. I can guarantee that’ll be a Fit to Print cover when it happens!

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Celebrate With Us!

To celebrate our 40 years of Fitness Incentive, we’ve decided to do a monthly “drop” of a 40th-anniversary limited edition collectible for the next 12 months. We’re kicking it off with this 40th-anniversary coffee mug. There’ll be something different every month – beanies, blankets, hats, hoodies, ornaments, etc. The year will wrap up with a big party that we’re still in the process of planning. But it’ll be fun and memorable. 

Thanks To You!

We will never forget for a second all the people who made this possible. For over 40 years, we’ve been incredibly fortunate to be associated with friends, family, members, and staff who have helped make FI what it almost miraculously is – a fitness community like no other. Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts!

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A New Take on the Fall Contest

It’s already underway as I write this, but I’d still like to give it a little plug anyway! The Recover from Summer Detox and Fitness Challenge is an entirely new take on our annual fall contest. Training is now in small groups of no more than 6. The contest runs six weeks, ending just before Halloween, with two training sessions a week. In addition to the Inbody analysis we use to measure improvement and score the contest, the participants also receive a full detox plan provided by our resident Well Choices nutritionist, Liz Keller, MS, CNS, ACSM-PT. Finally, we’re scoring the challenge individually – no teams or partners – just individuals. It’s a radically different approach that has generated considerable enthusiasm. We’ll update you on the results in the Holiday Issue of FTP. 

Spatober 2023

Spa-tober is Coming!

The leaves will soon be turning, which means our annual autumn Spa event is nigh upon us! Spatober, as we call it, will take place from October 16th to the 28th. Booking starts on October 1st. You’ll want to get on that with some urgency because this event typically sells out. This year’s event features big savings on some of our favorite services: 


50-Minute Swedish $70, 

50-Minute CBD $100, 

80-Minute Swedish $100


30-Minute Organic Peel $70 (Choose Arctic Berry or Blueberry Detox)

50-Minute Organic Facial $100 (Eminence Peel add-on available for $30)

PCA Peel $100

Dermaplane Express $100

Glo2Facial $150

It’s the Spa Event of the season. Don’t miss it!


Check out the New Cycle!

We’re fortunate to have a trial Matrix CXP Cycle for a couple of weeks. You may have noticed it near the front entrance. We love this bike and are seriously considering replacing our current cycles with this new, state-of-the-art model. But we’d like to know what you think! If you get a chance, take it for a spin and give us your feedback. You can sign up on the app. There’s a short survey you can take at the front desk. Thanks!


Autumn Class Schedule

Went into effect September 18th. Check the schedule on the FI+ App or our website


Enjoy a Wonderful Long Island Autumn!

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More From Fit to Print Autumn 2023
Autumn 2023 newsletter cover

What’s Happening at FI Autumn 2023

Fitness Incentive Kicks Off Its 40th Year of Existence!

Cor’s Corner Autumn 2023

A Small Collection of Cor's Wit and Wisdom: Cor-isms!

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There Are 5 Blue Longevity Zones Across The World. What Do They Share In Common?
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