“The Well-Choices is similar to a book club you might participate in with your friends, except there won’t be wine! The other significant difference will be the books we’ll discuss, which will focus on nutrition, longevity, fitness, and the like.”
- Liz Keller, MS, CNS, ASCM-PT

Well-Choices Book Club
What is it?
The Well-Choices is similar to a book club you might participate in with your friends, except there won’t be wine! The other significant difference will be the books we’ll discuss, which will focus on nutrition, longevity, fitness, and the like. My goal is to have you actively participate by reading the chosen book before the meeting.
Why did I decide to start this?
I constantly read books, listen to podcasts, and review articles I want to share with clients. I often will tell a client information from a book I have read and wish I could go into all the details, but I won’t have time in an individual session. With this book club, I can take time to go over great resources to a larger group of people. I also know that sometimes reading books on health can be discouraging since it’s hard to know who to trust, and, well, sometimes, the information can be boring. I plan on only choosing books I’ve read before so I can confidently say the information is worth your time reading and discussing.
Why should you attend?
I intend to go over the essential topics covered in the book, discuss parts of the book that maybe I and others don’t entirely agree with, and then have time for members to speak about their personal experiences with what changes they want to make or have made from reading the book. By reviewing the essential topics, you can get more out of the book than just reading it. I also hope you become more engaged with the material by hearing other people’s perspectives and questions. Also, having the book club date on your calendar can give you an incentive to read a book you might not have chosen to read before.
Book topics
The first book I chose is Next Level by Dr. Stacy Simms. This book covers the underlying causes of menopause: the hormonal changes causing menopausal symptoms and their impact on your wellness and performance at the gym. Other possible books I hope to discuss in the future include:
- The Glucose Revolution by Jesse Inchauspe
- The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer
- The End of Craving by Mark Schatzker
- Fast Like a Girl by Mindy Pelz
How to attend
You can sign up at the front desk to reserve a spot. I also plan on streaming the book club sessions live so you can sign up and receive a link if you can’t physically attend. Members and non-members are welcome; attendance is $25. If you are one of my current nutrition clients, you will get a discounted price of $15.
Looking to Make a Better Choice?
Well Choices at Fitness Incentive
Visit fi.holisticnutritiontherapy.com to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation with Liz to go over any questions you may have and start working towards formulating a plan to achieve your optimal health and wellness potential!
For a personalized approach to your diet, send me an email at wellchoices@fitnessincentive.com or text to (240) 803-3438
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About the Author

Liz Keller
Liz Keller, MS, CNS, ACSM-PT is a nutritionist, personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and health coach. She runs the Well Choices program at Fitness Incentive.