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“A CGM allows us to see how your blood sugar reacts to different foods and habits—live! This data is key for managing blood sugar spikes, improving fat metabolism, and controlling cravings, all of which are critical for sustained weight loss.”
  • Liz Keller, MS, CNS, ASCM-PT

You Say You Want a Revolution…

Using Continuous Glucose Monitors to Enhance Your Nutrition and Fitness Goals

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are revolutionizing the way we approach nutrition and fitness. Traditionally, blood sugar monitoring was limited to those managing conditions like diabetes, but CGMs have expanded beyond this, offering anyone interested in optimizing their health real-time insights into how their body responds to food, exercise, and daily activities. This technology provides a deeper understanding of metabolic health, making it a powerful tool for those looking to enhance their fitness and nutrition strategies.

What is a CGM?

A CGM is a small wearable device that tracks glucose levels throughout the day and night. Unlike traditional finger-prick tests that provide a single snapshot, CGMs give continuous data, allowing users to see how their glucose fluctuates in response to meals, exercise, stress, and sleep. With the help of an app, users can view this data in real-time, allowing them to make immediate adjustments to their nutrition or exercise regimen.

The Link Between Glucose, Performance, and Weight Management

Blood sugar plays a key role in energy levels, endurance, and overall performance. Maintaining stable glucose levels is critical to avoiding energy crashes, staying mentally sharp, and optimizing physical output. For those working towards fitness goals, whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain, or improving endurance, understanding how food and exercise impact glucose levels is crucial.
CGMs provide athletes and fitness enthusiasts with a personalized blueprint of how their bodies respond to different foods, exercise intensity, and timing. For instance, eating certain carbohydrate-rich foods may cause a glucose spike followed by a crash, leading to fatigue during workouts. With CGM data, you can adjust meal timing and portion sizes or choose alternative foods that provide sustained energy without glucose spikes.

Insulin Response and Fat Storage

When you eat foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels rise quickly. To manage this, your body releases insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose (sugar) into your cells to be used for energy. However, if there is too much glucose and it isn’t needed for immediate energy, insulin signals the body to store the excess as fat. Consistently high insulin levels from frequent spikes can make it more difficult to lose fat, as the body remains in a fat-storage mode.

Increased Hunger and Cravings

Blood sugar spikes are often followed by rapid drops (known as crashes), which can leave you feeling fatigued, irritable, and hungry. This cycle of spiking and crashing blood sugar can lead to increased cravings, particularly for high-calorie, sugary foods, making it harder to control your overall calorie intake and stick to a healthy diet.

Disrupted Fat-Burning

High insulin levels suppress the body’s ability to break down fat (lipolysis). When blood sugar is constantly elevated, your body prioritizes burning glucose for energy instead of tapping into fat stores, slowing down fat loss.

Impact on Metabolism

Over time, frequent blood sugar spikes can lead to insulin resistance, where your cells become less responsive to insulin. This condition makes it harder for the body to regulate blood sugar levels and can slow metabolism, leading to further weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

Using CGM to Optimize Nutrition

By tracking glucose levels, CGMs offer immediate feedback on how your body processes specific foods. You can see how different meals impact your glucose curve and adjust accordingly. For example, pairing carbohydrates with protein or healthy fats can slow glucose absorption and prevent spikes, ensuring a more stable energy supply throughout the day.
Incorporating this technology allows you to fine-tune your nutrition plan to meet your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to optimize fat loss or improve athletic performance, understanding how to fuel your body for steady energy and recovery can make a significant difference. CGMs can help you personalize your macronutrient balance, meal frequency, and even the timing of nutrient intake based on your unique glucose responses.

Enhancing Fitness Results with CGM Insights

Exercise also impacts blood glucose levels in complex ways. High-intensity workouts might cause a temporary spike in glucose, while longer, endurance-based sessions can lower it. With CGM data, you can see how your body reacts to different types of exercise and adjust your training schedule, intensity, or recovery periods for optimal performance.
Using this real-time data, fitness enthusiasts can strategically adjust their workout routine, meal timing, and recovery strategies to keep glucose levels stable, enhance performance, and achieve long-term goals like fat loss or muscle gain. CGMs also help prevent overtraining by identifying periods of low glucose when the body needs rest and recovery.

Holistic Nutrition Therapy and CGMs

As a nutritionist, I specialize in understanding how your body uniquely responds to different foods, activities, and lifestyle factors. Using a CGM, we’ll move beyond generic advice and create a custom nutrition and lifestyle plan that’s perfectly aligned with your goals.
What You’ll Get:
•Real-Time Insights: A CGM allows us to see how your blood sugar reacts to different foods and habits—live! This data is key for managing blood sugar spikes, improving fat metabolism, and controlling cravings, all of which are critical for sustained weight loss.
•Precision Nutrition: Together, we’ll use your CGM data to design a meal plan that optimizes your metabolism, keeps energy levels steady, and maximizes fat burning. You’ll stop wondering which diet is right for you because you’ll see the results in your blood sugar patterns and body composition.
•Enhanced Athletic Performance: Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve performance or someone trying to lose weight, stable blood sugar is key. By understanding how your body uses fuel during training and recovery, we can fine-tune your nutrition to boost endurance, recovery, and muscle gain.
•Sustainable Results: You’ll gain a deep understanding of your body’s unique needs, allowing you to make smarter food choices, exercise more efficiently, and create a sustainable lifestyle for long-term success.

About the Author


Liz Keller

Liz Keller, MS, CNS, ACSM-PT  is a nutritionist, personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and health coach. She runs the Well Choices program at Fitness Incentive.

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Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) Provide a Deeper Understanding of Your Metabolic Health
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