“Stretch Therapy is safe, assisted one on one, static stretching. Each session is personalized to the individual’s needs to have long-term therapeutic effects.”
- Michael Illicete

Stretch Therapy with Michael Illicete
Who is Michael Illicete?
Michael Illicete received his Bachelor’s in Exercise Science, Sociology, and Technology. He holds certifications in Personal Training & Nutrition (ISSA), Functional Movement Screen (FMS), TRX, and FTP in Stretch Theory and Practice. He is a former high school Long Island’s Most Outstanding Athlete in football, wrestling, and lacrosse. He wrestled in college for Farmingdale State. He won the Northeast Conference in 2017 and achieved the rank of collegiate All-American.
For the past five years, Michael has been a successful high school wrestling coach and independent personal trainer. He focuses on living a healthier and more efficient lifestyle with his clients. He does that through active/isometric stretching, proper technique, functional movements, and fitness and nutrition programming.
In addition to offering Personal Training at Fitness Incentive, Michael has just started providing individual Stretch Therapy sessions at Incentives Organic Spa! I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Michael to ask him about his Stretch Therapy sessions. Here are some highlights of our conversation:
DV: What is “Stretch Therapy”?
MI: Stretch Therapy is safe, assisted one on one, static stretching. Each session is personalized to the individual’s needs to have long-term therapeutic effects.
DV: You refer to “static” stretching. Can you explain a bit the difference between static stretching and dynamic stretching?
MI: Sure, dynamic stretching is “movement-based” stretching. It is aimed at increasing blood flow to help loosen up muscle fibers and help warm up the body, for instance, before a run or more vigorous exercise. Static stretching consists of active and passive stretching.
Brief description:
– Active stretching means you are stretching a muscle by actively contracting the muscles in opposition to the one you’re stretching. With active stretching, you don’t use any external tools or another person. You relax the muscle you are trying to stretch and rely on the opposing muscle to initiate the stretch.
– Passive stretching means using outside assistance, such as your body weight, a strap, gravity, or another person. With passive stretching, you relax the muscle you are trying to stretch and rely on the external force to hold you in place. This is the primary type of stretching in Michael’s Stretch Therapy sessions. He gives gentle assistance to help increase flexibility and range of motion safely and effectively.
DV: Do you incorporate PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching), massage, and myofascial release into your sessions?
MI: Depending on the individual, PNF methods such as CRAC (contact-relax-antagonist-contract) are used. PNF is where the individual contracts and releases the muscle group against the resistance the therapist is providing. Also, again, depending on the individual, I may apply some gentle tissue massage and manipulation/release.
Here are just some of the fantastic benefits of proper stretching:
- It increases the range of motion, which provides greater freedom of movement in everyday activities.
- It improves flexibility, which also helps with range of motion and overall health, and better movement, which can delay the effects of aging.
- It helps relieve back pain.
- It improves mood and focus; research suggests that stretching can increase energy levels and may improve cognitive performance, helping people feel calmer and more focused on tasks.
- It relieves tension headaches. Research also suggests that performing specific stretches may help relieve headaches and improve sleep disorders.
- It increases blood flow to muscles, boosting oxygen levels and improving overall immunity.
- It relieves stress.
- It improves posture.
Personally, I cannot stress enough the need and importance of proper stretching. There is no better way to get started than to book an individualized session with Michael today! Book Now by clicking below, or contact Michael with any questions you may have or for more information on his Stretch Therapy sessions: mikeyillicete@gmail.com
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About the Author

Dina Voigt
Dina Voigt is a PMA-certified Pilates trainer, a certified Yoga instructor, a Personal Trainer, a Group exercise instructor, and a Cycle instructor.