…half-assing days away is no longer acceptable… I’m not trying to insult anyone. We’ve all half-assed days away, but when we are so enthusiastically working towards a dream, we literally have no time in our lives for half-assing. Big dreams demand whole assin’ only.
Andrea Kay
Reasons Why We Need to be Dreaming Big
Where are all my dreamers at? I hope we are all raising our hands. Good for us! If we all aren’t dreaming big, let’s change that today. Here are some reasons why we ALL need to be dreaming big and dreaming often.
It will change the direction of our life.
In life, we can’t put the cart in front of the horse. We don’t just wake up one day and say, ‘Oh look at this! All these awesome things have changed in my life, and all I had to do is absolutely nothing.’ And just like we’ve discussed in the past; the laundry doesn’t fold itself, and the dishwasher doesn’t empty itself. Big change doesn’t happen without action. And actions don’t happen by accident. When the seed of a dream is planted and takes root, it creates a vision where there was once none. Our mind starts solidifying what that dream looks like and what we need to do to get there. Excitement and momentum build to such a point that action becomes inevitable and those small actions build on one another till we are no longer on the path we were once on. I’m not saying living a ‘normal’ life of complacency is bad, but no great success ever came about from living life passively. Allowing ourselves to have a dream, grasping on to that dream and going for it will absolutely send us in a new direction, and isn’t that exciting?
We will give our best every single day.
The bigger the dream, and the tighter the grasp we have on it, the more our focus becomes on making those dreams a reality. Not about what could go wrong or what may fail, but on relentlessly moving forward till those dreams become a reality. And as such, half-assing days away is no longer acceptable. Whoahhhh, hold up now… I’m not trying to insult anyone. We’ve all half-assed days away, but when we are so enthusiastically working towards a dream, we literally have no time in our lives for half-assing. Big dreams demand whole assin’ only.
We will inspire others to dream big.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams. Can we all get real here? When we see people ‘getting after it,’ we sit up and take notice. As such, when we are focused on following our vision, and that vision starts manifesting itself in reality, people start thinking about their lives and their dreams. I have been that person inspired by other people taking big chances and working really hard to go for their big dreams, and it inspired me to think about my own dreams. Dreams that were always there but drowned out by daily life, and the more I thought about them, the louder they got. Till they were so loud they couldn’t be ignored.
So let’s all go out there and start dreaming big and not letting go of those dreams. Inspiring each other and lifting each other up to change the direction of our lives. We certainly won’t wake up one day and regret working towards our dreams, right? So do it!
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About the Author

Andrea Kay
Andrea Kay is a longtime FI member, Tri-Athlete, 50k runner and a regular contributor to Fit to Print.