Pilates, when learned and applied properly, and specific to your needs can help heal many injuries and most definitely help you get stronger and leaner.
Dina Voigt

Time to Focus on You!
September…back to school time for students and teachers, another change of season, a perfect time to focus on YOU! Whether you are new to exercise or a veteran “gym rat,” no matter your age: 16, 25, 50, 60 or 80+ years old; Pilates is for YOU!
Many people avoid Pilates classes for many reasons including a “bad back,” joint issues or other injuries, or they think it will be too slow or too easy, etc. Fact is, Pilates, when learned and applied properly, and specific to your needs can help heal many injuries and most definitely help you get stronger and leaner.
Through the years, I have written on many subjects; Pilates for athletes, for runners, for golfers, for osteoporosis, Pilates for men, for teens, for bad backs, etc. With this writing, I will share some testimonials from avid Pilates practitioners just like YOU! Let’s’ hear from a few very satisfied Fitness Incentive members who were kind enough to share their stories:
Cathie Hohner

Before moving back to LI, I had 12+ years of Pilates (mat and reformer) and had worked with about the same amount of Instructors in the western suburbs of Chicago. I have a very old ankle injury which has always limited my ability to play tennis, etc. Pilates helped me somewhat BD (before Dina), but in the past 2+ years, I note a significant improvement in my range of motion and almost no incidents of discomfort or problems warming up.
Arthritic and aging factors have contributed to back discomfort, but pilates with Dina improves how I feel. Dina is definitely amazingly unique because:
-she is always sunny, present and she cares.
-she has extensive science/research-based knowledge and assessment skills related to the musculoskeletal system and can accurately focus in on individual needs and vulnerabilities.
-she helps me to maintain and enhance good changes to my body stats and curves.
-she has experience in dealing with health-related issues and injuries and a practical approach to helping me to integrate Pilates concepts and strategies into my daily routines.
-in almost three years, she keeps it new and interesting with new exercises

Deedra Landoli
I was taking a Pilates reformer class for about a year twice a week at a Pilates center near my home on “ the other side of the Island” at that time I thought it was a good class, though after a year I was getting a little bored. I only realized just how bored I was when I joined the Pilates reformer classes at Fitness Incentive.
I had just moved to Babylon and knew I had to keep up my workout schedule because I had just turned 50, was starting menopause, and I need to work out for my mind, body, and soul! My son joined Fitness Incentive first and made me come with him one afternoon. I was hooked right away, and I was so happy to find out that they had reformer classes.
After a few weeks with Dina, I realized why I was getting bored at my other place. The instructor at the last center did the exact same workout every single week, never changed the music, never changed the exercises and half the time wasn’t really paying very much attention to anyone (I think she was bored too!)
Dina always changes the exercises, explains exactly what to do, what body parts that specific exercise will help and why. If you have an injury from something in your past, she helps you fix it during class by moderating the springs and explaining how to use your body correctly. She will even give you exercises to do at home. I now stand better while I do my dishes and stretch before I get out of bed in the morning. Let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger, our bodies need our help!
I have made new friends. I happily go to class now when it used to be a chore. I am not the thinnest girl in class or the strongest, but I am the happiest! I am healthy and am getting healthier every day. Mind, body, and soul. Thanks to Dina and Fitness Incentive!
Pat Nolan
I have been a member at Fitness Incentive for 24 years, and my preferred workouts were always the hardcore calorie burning classes in the aerobics studio as well as working with weights. That all changed after I suffered a broken neck, back, and sternum three years ago as the result of an accident. I spent 16 weeks in a thoracic extension brace which is essentially a brace that prevents you from moving your upper body. When the brace came off I started physical therapy only to realize that my body was completely crooked, literally one shoulder sat higher than the other. Corinne suggested that I work with Dina because she was very knowledgeable about treating injuries through Pilates and I was afraid that I would re-injure myself if I went back to the jarring movements of aerobics. I worked with Dina for a few private sessions, and I was so impressed at her knowledge and the fact that she is just simply fun to be around! I joined a small group and have been at it for over a year now as well as participating in mat Pilates. Within a few months, my shoulders were even again, and I feel as though my whole body is “in sync.” I have regained muscle strength that is balanced on both sides of my body and vastly improved my flexibility, posture and core strength. I feel better than I ever have and I am completely addicted to Pilates. For all of you wondering what goes on in that mysterious little room in the back of the gym, I can tell you we have a great workout as well as a lot of laughs!
Denise Connolly
I have been a member of FI since the gym was on Main Street, but I can’t say I ever went. I worked in the City for 40 years and had family obligations, therefore, there wasn’t much time left for me. I retired, and my first commitment to myself was to get to the gym.
I wanted to try some classes and walked into Dina’s Tuesday Pilates class. I must admit I couldn’t even get into a chest curl, but I worked through the class, and I loved it! Dina gives great direction and teaches you how to get the most out of your workout.
I am now on my journey to a strong body. I try to attend Dina’s Tuesday and Thursday Pilates class. I also attend Wednesday Core Fusion and Dina’s Reformer class.
I have a long way to go (I still can’t do a roll up!), but, in my opinion, Pilates is the way to get there. Love you, Dina!
I would like to thank these four wonderful ladies for sharing their stories! (Love you too Denise!) Although I am quite flattered by the kind words and compliments written above, I must give credit where credit is due. Each of these ladies, just like all my clients and members who attend Pilates classes (mat and equipment) work very hard and are very diligent with their practice, I am simply the “coach,” the teacher. They do ALL the work! I am honored to be able to work with and help so many people by sharing Pilates with them. Whether it is working through injuries, recovery after surgeries, to avoid pain management shots, and even to avoid surgery completely or just to reshape, tone and lose weight, it is my pleasure and my passion to share this work with everyone!
Remember, Pilates truly is for EVERYONE! Try a mat class and be sure to tell your instructor of any injuries or restrictions you may have so she/he can offer modifications as you go. Start slow and listen to your body. We all have imbalances and Pilates is the perfect way to bring your body into balance, to make your body the best possible for YOU!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have: dina@fitnessincentive.com
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About the Author
Dina Voigt
Dina Voigt is the Manager of Fitness Incentives Pilates and Yoga programs. She is a PMA-certified Pilates trainer, a certified Yoga instructor, a Personal Trainer, Group exercise instructor, and Cycle instructor.
Contact her at dina@fitnessincentive.com with any questions or for further information.