“When the lymph system is activated through the hands-on skill of an experienced therapist, the activity within your lymph system is increased by 10-20 times its normal rate, leading to a much faster and overall healthier recovery. “
- Gene McKevie

An Overview of Manual Lymphatic Drainage
The Dr. Vodder method is the Gold Standard of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD). It was developed by Dr. Emil Vodder and his wife, Estrid, in the 1930s through vast scientific research spanning over 40 years. MLD is a range of precise, specialized hand techniques used to gently pump and stretch the skin, stimulating the contraction of the delicate lymph vessels just underneath, enabling lymph fluid to move much faster within the vessels. The treatment is so calming that recipients begin to relax immediately and usually fall asleep, making it a wonderful environment for healing.
Helps Eliminate Toxins
As a result, toxins, metabolic waste products, and excess fluid typically transported and removed by the lymph system are eliminated much faster from the body. Scientific research has proven MLD moves this fluid 10-20 times faster than normal. Increasing this drainage within the body enhances the overall health of the cellular environment. The faster toxins are removed, the quicker vital nutrients and minerals can get to the cells. This cleansing and renewing of tissue are the foundation for maintaining optimum health.
MLD is powerful in its approach and is safe and effective. It can benefit a healthy person and is also effective in treating more than 40 conditions. Backed by 40 years of documented research through vast scientific studies and clinical experience, a healthy lymph system promotes much healthier body tissue and function.
MLD is the No. 1 sought-after treatment in the increasingly high-tech world of plastic surgery.
Many people decide to get some form of plastic surgery each year. Unfortunately, bruising, swelling, and tenderness are part of the body’s natural response. Manual lymph drainage is a unique therapy that has proven successful in quickly eliminating this discomfort. Plastic Surgeons, recognizing the tremendous benefits, are now recommending manual lymph drainage to their patients to prepare for and recover more efficiently from plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery.
How does Manual Lymph Drainage work?
During surgery, pathways become temporarily congested, causing excess cellular debris, metabolic waste, dead cells, and fluid to accumulate in the tissue, leading to swelling and discomfort. The role of the lymph system is to remove this congestion from the affected area as quickly and efficiently as possible. The quicker this happens, the faster overall recovery will be.
This process, when left to occur naturally, can take many months.
When the lymph system is activated through the hands-on skill of an experienced therapist, the activity within your lymph system is increased by 10-20 times its normal rate, leading to a much faster and overall healthier recovery.
Benefits of Manual Lymph Drainage
- Immediate pain relief.
- Eliminates swelling at a much faster rate.
- Quickly removes bruising.
- Speeds wound healing.
- Alleviates numbness.
- Boosts tissue regeneration.
- Through its immune-boosting ability, it helps prevent infection.
- Prevention of scar tissue formation.
- Relieves constipation and quickly rids the body of anesthesia and pain medication.
- Rapidly restores normal skin sensitivity.
- Dramatically enhances the overall health of the skin.
- A much faster-than-expected return to normal activities.
- Induces relaxation, allowing the body to repair itself much faster in a state of rest and calm.
- Quickly eliminates unwanted bruising and tenderness from facial rejuvenation injections.
- 100% organic, increasing your Lymph System’s natural healing ability.
When is the best time to start Manual Lymph Drainage?
It is recommended that treatments be done before and as close to the surgery date as possible. Removing toxins and excess fluid in the tissue prior to surgery encourages a faster delivery of fresh nutrients and oxygen, increasing your cell’s ability to repair and regenerate much faster after the procedure. Eliminating toxins before surgery also removes the risk of post-surgery complications and infection.
You are already on the road to recovery!
Lymph drainage treatments can start as soon as the 2nd day after surgery, depending on the procedure, and consult with your surgeon.
My experience has shown that the sooner the lymph drainage treatments begin, the faster the overall recovery. For a faster and more effective recovery, I recommend treatments daily in the initial phase of recovery. Manual lymph drainage is suitable for all types of surgery recovery. The biggest investment you can make is an investment in your overall health. Schedule your appointment today.
You should avoid MLD if you have any of the following conditions:
Acute infection with fever.
Congestive heart failure.
Thrombosis (blood clots).
Untreated, malignant tumors.
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About the Author

Gene McKevie
Gene McKevie, LMT, C-MLD, is a licensed massage therapist, certified holistic lymphatic therapist, and yoga teacher for Sampoorna (Hatha) and Vinyasa styles.