Big goals should be broken down into smaller goals, and smaller goals should be broken down into daily goals. Take things one day at a time.
Danielle Tinnirello

We’re Good With Making the Resolutions…
A new year means new goals. But are you setting yourself up for failure? According to the University of Scranton, a whopping 92 percent of people who set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them. What does the other 8% do differently that puts them in the small category of goal achievers?
Create a S.M.A.R.T. goal
To accomplish your goal, you must have a clear idea of what it is that you want. Make sure this goal is specific (simple), measurable (motivating), achievable (attainable), relevant (realistic), and time-bound (time sensitive). When you have that much clarity around your goal, your chances of hitting it increase dramatically.
Plan for Achievement
Big goals should be broken down into smaller goals, and smaller goals should be broken down into daily goals. Take things one day at a time. These easily tracked commitments address behavioral changes, and most of the time it comes down to simple habits that keep us accountable. Even the smallest tweak in your day to day life can make a long-term difference to your health. Work on several smaller chunks to complete a big goal by knocking one down, then moving on to the next one.
Knowledge & Support System
You need to acquire the knowledge and information that you will need to accomplish or achieve whatever it is you are attempting. This means learning the “how-to” of what you want to do. You will also need to read about, listen to, and model someone who has already done what you wish to accomplish to learn the mental strategies that are necessary to accomplish this goal. Understand that you can achieve more with the help of a mentor, coach, or supporting friends and family. Look for allies and build a network of people who care about your success and keep you heading toward your goals. Meet with them regularly, seek their wisdom, ask for advice, and listen carefully. We call these “accountability partners.”
Track Your Progress
Tracking progress helps you to focus on the essential things you need to do to move toward your goals. It also shows you how far you have gone when you feel like you have some more to achieve. Noticing your progress will also keep your willpower fired up.
Maintain Your Willpower and Focus on the Next Step Forward
Willpower takes a lot of mental energy, and some of that energy is depleted by your everyday demands. Replenish your mental energy by reducing stress, making sure you have positive reinforcements in place when you reach smaller goals and be kind to yourself if you slip so you are able to get back on track. If you fall short, brush it off and focus on the next step forward, don’t focus on the stumble. Learn from your experience. If you don’t recognize what led you to fall off, you’ll probably react the same way the next time the situation arises. Also, don’t try to make up for the slip with a punishing regime. If you have to, make a change in your routine to get you motivated and back on track.
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About the Author
Danielle Tinnirello
Danielle Tinnirello is an ISSA-certified Personal Trainer and AFAA-certified Group Instructor. She specializes in fat loss, functional fitness, strength, conditioning, weight training, and H.I.I.T training.