“As I move toward my 30th year as an exercise instructor here at Fitness Incentive, I know one thing is still clear: we are more powerful together.”
- Kelly Wallace

There is Power in Numbers
As I move toward my 30th year as an exercise instructor here at Fitness Incentive, I know one thing is still clear: we are more powerful together. In all the years and various classes I have taught, no matter what day of the week or time, our synchronized movement has always created electric energy that is hard to deny. No matter how you come in to take a class, either full of energy or holding on by a thread, you can always be sure to feel some emotion through the movement as we work together. There is a transfer of energy that happens when we are moving together as one that is incredible.
Social Motion
Exercising with others is not only good for your body; it has a positive effect on your mental state. Having others around you can help to make those tough workouts more bearable. This “coordination of movement and physical exertion” is what aeon.com calls social motion. It changes the brain chemistry, which impacts the sense of pain and fatigue, allowing people to push themselves in a way they could not do on their own.
Come Together
When we exercise together, we feel a sense of community moving towards a common goal. In a world where it has become easy to be alone, now more than ever, we should come together to support each other for a healthier body and mind. The coordination of movement has built many friendships, helped people through life’s struggles, and allowed us to feel a real sense of community and belonging.
If you have never taken a class, now is the time! Listen to what some members have to say about the magic that happens each day in the Fitness Incentives main studio:
Nina Marino: “The energy, discipline, and consistency in that room is irreplaceable. It’s been everything to me for years!”
Meghan Oliveri: “Synchronized movement builds a team, a community that cares. You look around the room and feel like you belong; everyone is at the same level regardless of fitness background. This creates a meaningful connection that can’t be broken.”
Melissa Alex: “When taking a class, there are several guarantees: you will sweat, you will feel uplifted, and you will move your body in every direction. There is an incredible energy in the room when an entire class is moving together in sync! It makes you feel like you are pushing yourself more than you thought you could!”
Erin Mascaro: “We all step onto the Fitness Incentive floor in hopes of grounding ourselves; for some, it’s grounding our minds, emotions, or intentions for the day. Others hope to find their day’s purpose, confidence, and “our people.” Regardless of why we step on that floor, we continue each week because we know how we feel after we give ourselves this time. Above anything else, social motion, synchronized movement, reminds us that regardless of where we came from, we are in sync with one another and remind each other we are not alone.”
Karen Harsche: “When my alarm goes off for a 5am class, I always debate whether to hit the snooze button and just go for a run from my house. What gets me up and moving at that early hour is knowing that I will always have a good workout! Exercising in a group always pushes me to work harder (especially when I am standing next to Erin Mascaro)!”
Grace McHugh: “One of the things that I learned coming out of Covid is how important it can be to work out in a group setting. The positive energy everyone brings helps propel the class to a higher level. The energy in the room is just incredible, and it passes throughout the room! I always leave class feeling better than when I came in. Much sweatier, too, but better!”