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Joe Knows Reformers

Joe Knows Reformers

Joe Knows Pilates - By Dina Voigt. Holidays 2007 Fit to Print

Dina Does It All

Dina Does It All

Dina Does It All - An Interview from the Fall 2006 Issue of Fit to Print

Pilates for Musicians

Pilates for Musicians

Playing can create poor posture in musicians when not playing or performing, which increases the risk for imbalance, chronic pain, and injury.

50 Before 50

50 Before 50

This list has given me the focus I need to accomplish the goals I had talked about but had no intention of ever really doing.

Four Tips For Diet Success

Most diets fail for the same reasons: The goals are too ambitious, and timeframes too short, and the diets too restrictive.

Introducing My Alter Ego, “Work Annie”

Introducing My Alter Ego, “Work Annie”

Meet Work Annie - The Little Alter-Ego That Could.

The Five Pillars of Fitness

The Five Pillars of Fitness

Focus on the Five Pillars of Fitness: Strength, Endurance, Mobility, Body Composition and Lifestyle.

Ten Good Reasons to Cycle at Fitness Incentive

Ten Good Reasons to Cycle at Fitness Incentive

Cycling class can be a "life-changing" addition to your workout!

What’s Happening at FI Spring 2019

What’s Happening at FI Spring 2019

The Annual Contest, New Equipment, and a Busy Spring Calendar

Fit to Print Summer 2017

Fit to Print Summer 2017

Fit to Print, Summer 2017 Online Edition

What’s Happening at FI

What’s Happening at FI

If It's Summer We Must Be Upgrading!

Essential Oils for Allergies

Essential Oils for Allergies

Essential Oils can offer relief and even prevention of seasonal allergies.

Think You’re Too Old?

Think You’re Too Old?

Think you're too old? Think again! As Sandy Luongo notes: "Your spirit never ages, it's ageless.

Half Way There

Half Way There

How about hearing some of the experiences of members as they're currently on their fitness journey. Here are two...

5 Essential Oils That You Must Have This Winter

5 Essential Oils That You Must Have This Winter

Essential oils not only boost your immunity, they can improve your mood!

Eight Surefire Ways to Gain Weight During the Holidays

Eight Surefire Ways to Gain Weight During the Holidays

It's easy!

Cor’s Concoction

People often ask, "What do you eat for breakfast?" You asked for it: Here's the recipe for Cor's Concoction!

Mr. Fantastic

Mr. Fantastic

Anthony Graziano took the Fantastic Four seriously, and he got serious results, especially in Part 2. He shares his "secrets" to success...

Meet Our Maintenance “Man”

Meet Our Maintenance “Man”

Cathy Peacock has worn many hats over the years including what is perhaps her most under-appreciated role: maintenance manager.

5 Things You Can Do

5 Things You Can Do

Swanson introduced the first TV dinner in 1953. Since then food preparation has only ‘improved' in speed with things like pre-cooked chicken strips, 5-minute microwavable vegetable bags, and 1-minute rice. The latest statistics have found two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and half of those are obese. Here are 5 easy fixes you can apply to your diet, from Best of Long Island Dietitian, Rachel Ezelius