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“If we take a cue from nature, fall is an excellent time to clean up habits that no longer serve us (or never served us) and make changes that significantly impact how we look and feel.”
  • Roxanne Valinoti


It’s Time to “Fall” in Love with Your Skin.

Fall is a beautiful time here in the Northern Hemisphere, and Mother Nature puts on one final show before taking her winter slumber. It starts slowly, almost unnoticeable; the days get shorter, the temps get slightly cooler, and then all of a sudden, we notice the trees are full of color before the leaves fall. If we take a cue from nature, fall is an excellent time to clean up habits that no longer serve us (or never served us) and make changes that significantly impact how we look and feel. There is an old saying, “Keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll get what you got.” If you want to see and feel a difference in your skin, then there is no better time to make some tweaks to your routine. Here are three simple ways to love the skin you’re in! Start slow with one small change, stay consistent, and you’ll see big results.


Receiving a professional facial is the best way to brighten sluggish skin, feel refreshed, and press the RESET button. A facial incorporates deep cleansing to restore a healthy microbiome while treating areas of concern, whether it’s dryness, redness, wrinkles, or sun damage; your esthetician can create a plan along with a home care routine that will deliver the results you want. The best part is that a facial doesn’t just treat the skin. Massage techniques are also employed to bring blood flow to the area and increase energy pathways that tighten and tone, plump, and create that glow. Not to mention the deep relaxation and calm it brings to the nervous system. Overall, it’s the best hour you can give back to yourself to put your best face forward!

What to expect:

You will be asked to remove any jewelry and clothing from the waist up, so come dressed comfortably. You will have a few moments of private time to get settled and under the blankets.

The bed is heated (and can be turned off if you wish), and you will be lying down for the entire treatment, so turn the phone on silent.
There will be a brief conversation to establish goals and discuss your current skincare routine. Then: relaxation, massage, custom skin care, warm towels, and maybe even a nap, followed by a glow!


Coming out of summer is an excellent time to detox and shed the sun-kissed skin—the cooler temps, lower humidity, and drier air demand a different approach. Choosing the correct cleanser for your skin is more than half the battle. Most people underestimate the power of a proper cleanser that works for their skin. If the cleanser does not thoroughly (and gently) cleanse the skin, then all the other products used after will not be as effective. Skin should feel soft & slightly dewy after a cleanse not tight and squeaky clean (dry). Serums are essential for treating specific conditions and are absorbed better after a cleanse on moist skin. A moisturizer is nonnegotiable, especially in the evening when your skin is repairing itself. Choosing the correct products for your skin can require a bit of trial and error, but if you start with Step #1 and get a facial, your esthetician can help!


Think about what you’re trying to achieve and tackle one issue at a time. (i.e., acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, etc.)
Ingredients matter! Choosing high-quality, clean ingredients will make a big difference in overall skin health.
Avoid trendy advice from social media and focus on your skin type and goals. What can work for others may not be suitable for you.


We have all heard we need to “drink more water”; however, while water is needed, deep hydration requires more than just plain water. Staying hydrated means the cells receive the vitamins, minerals, and nourishment they need for healthy metabolism. Ironically, drinking too much water can actually be dehydrating as the body is flushing out all the essentials. When dehydrated, cells shrink, revealing lines on the face, rough skin texture, and dry, itchy, irritated skin. Sea salt, seeds, teas, broths, soups, and veggies are an excellent way to add moisture to the body.


Start the day with a glass of spring water with lemon and a pinch of Celtic sea salt to hydrate and help start digestion.
Avoid ‘dry’ foods such as meal replacement/protein bars, processed snacks, crackers, bread, and popcorn.
Reduce or avoid caffeine & alcohol since they can deplete moisture and overstimulate.
Sip a cup of high-quality bone broth throughout the day.
Add steamed greens daily to provide great nutrients and fiber. The liver loves greens!

Go ahead and “fall” in love with your skin and yourself this season—you are your best investment!

Stop by the spa for more information on what’s best for your skin condition and lifestyle, and book a facial. We can’t wait to see you!

About the Author

roxanne valinoti

Roxanne Valinoti

Roxanne Valinoti is a highly accomplished licensed Nail and Skin Care Professional with over 25 years of experience in the beauty industry. As a Certified Holistic Health Coach, her approach to each service is customized to individual client goals, and believes in partnering with clients for long-term results.

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