I promise if you stay with the class for two weeks you’ll be feeling like a pro. Every class will get easier and your confidence will grow. And always remember, it’s just a workout class. If you mess up, laugh it off and just keep moving.
Jourdan Brown
Doing the right thing starts with having the right intentions. But that isn’t enough. Life has a way of poking holes in your best-laid plans. When it does, you need a strategy – make that strategies – to stay on track. Here are a few that work for me.
Expectation: I’m going to pack a healthy lunch for work every day this week.
Reality: You’re running late and lucky you have pants on. You’ll just order something when you get to work.
Solution: MEAL PREP! Ya gotta do it people. Preparation is your key to success. You can even go as far as pre-packing your meals so you don’t even have to think in the morning. Just grab and go.
Expectation: I’m going to workout 5 days this week.
Reality: Your kid woke up sick and there’s no way you’re making it to your favorite 9am class.
Solution: Relax. So you missed your favorite Tuesday class. You’re fine. Pick a different day to add to your schedule or just hit the gym extra hard the next day. Don’t let a minor set back throw off your entire week.
Expectation: I’m going have a kick-ass workout tomorrow.
Reality: You wake up and look and feel like the walking dead.
Solution: Just do it! Sometimes you just have to suck it up, chug a coffee, and get moving. Nothing wakes you up better than your workout. Get. Those. Endorphins.
Expectation: I’m going to look so cute at the gym today.
Reality: You can’t find a single workout shirt that isn’t 10 years old, all your workout pants are in the wash and you’re wearing mismatched socks.
Solution: Lay out your workout clothes the night before. If you’re someone who works out, showers at the gym and goes right to work, pack your entire bag the night before. This eliminates early morning stress and the potential of running late and missing your workout. (Disclaimer: You will never, ever see me with matching socks #teammismatched)
Expectation: I’m finally going to take that awesome group x class I’ve been thinking about taking.
Reality: You’re tripping over your own two feet and you’re the only one in the class you doesn’t know what they are doing.
Solution: First things first, everyone has been there. At some point, every single person took their first class and felt just like you. I still remember the first time I took Kelly Wallace’s step class. I was standing there marching in place while everyone spun around their steps perfectly synchronized. It wasn’t my best performance but I kept going and it ended up being my favorite class. Moral of the story, don’t get discouraged! I promise if you stay with class for two weeks you’ll be feeling like a pro. Every class will get easier and your confidence will grow. And always remember, it’s just a workout class. If you mess up, laugh it off and just keep moving.
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About the Author

Jourdan Brown
Jourdan Brown is a Certified Primal Health Coach, Group Exercise Instructor, and Personal Trainer. She also manages the Front Desk and the Cycling programs at Fitness Incentive.