“I get to class and feel a real surge of energy; I feel as if I can keep going and going, and the students display the same enthusiasm.”
- Corinne Brown

The Excitement Is Back!
After such a long stressful period in our lives, I finally feel like we have turned the corner to a new bright light. The parking lot at FI is starting to fill up, the classes are becoming more packed, and the general attitude of our staff and members is, “thank goodness we made it!” I get to class and feel a real surge of energy; I feel as if I can keep going and going, and the students display the same enthusiasm.
It goes without saying, but I want to say it anyway; If not for you, our loyal members, and staff keeping up with us through those dark days, we wouldn’t be here today. The months we spent connecting from our homes, communicating only through our TVs, computers, and cell phones was such a disconnected time. But we were able to keep it going, keep our spirit, and in some way stay all connected. So thank you for keeping the FI flame going! We love you, and we could not have done it without you.
It’s not easy to find words to describe our FI Family; it is a community with ties that go all the way back to the mid-eighties at Grove Place that continues to this very day to keep us joined, committed, and caring for one another. To paraphrase one of our slogans, it’s more than a membership – it’s relationships.
To all of you who haven’t returned, you truly don’t know what you’re missing! The FI spirit is alive and well! Come in, and you will feel renewed, rejuvenated, and excited to return to a “normal” and even healthier life.
Love you all!
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About the Author

Corinne Brown
Corinne Brown is the founder and owner of Fitness Incentive.