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“I want you to meet some of these remarkable people, some of whom have just recently embarked on their fitness journey and others who have been by my side since the beginning of Fitness Incentive.
  • Corinne Brown
Rebecca, Melissa, Dina, Kerry, Lindsay D, Lindsay R, Tricia, Ryan, Geraldine, Jacqui, John, Patricia, Nicole, Carol & Maria

What Works

At Any Age, Every Age

I have been instructing in the Fitness industry for many years and have met the most remarkable students in my journey. My students range from their teens through their eighties. Some are fit and healthy, while others are struggling to recover their health and fitness. Many have to overcome obstacles, whether it’s injury, illness, or a tragic personal loss. One theme is universal: Consistency, dedication, and commitment are essential to success and to living your fittest, healthiest, and (fate willing) longest life.

I want you to meet some of these remarkable people, some of whom have just recently embarked on their fitness journey and others who have been by my side since the beginning of Fitness Incentive. Their commitment and consistency always inspire me. I hope it will do the same for you.

Let’s start with my most consistent and dedicated student, John Russo.

What better praise can I give than to say that no matter what, he shows up ready and willing to work hard? More than that, he’s always ready to help every single student in the room.

John Russo

Here’s what John has to say: 

I have been a member of Fitness Incentive, taking Corinne’s classes for almost 40 years, and I can tell you that this is the best gym on the planet. Taking her classes not only helped me physically but also spiritually and emotionally. My self-confidence has excelled to a point where every task I take on is with enthusiasm. People ask me where I get my energy;
Come take a class and see – I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Let me introduce Vanessa Juengerkes, another remarkable person;
Vanessa Juengerkes

She’s a high school coach who travels to FI all the way from Long Beach (!). Here’s her take:

Becoming part of the Fitness Incentive community has been life-changing! Their constant support and dedication to improving their members’ lives inspires and encourages you to be your best. I have enhanced my fitness at FI and gained so much knowledge from being a member. As someone who lives 45 minutes away, I choose FI as my gym every day!

Next are the two I call my Lindsays.

I love these two; they are always present and ready to go.

The Lindsays, Robinson and Dieumegard, with Cor

Lindsay Robinson said: 
Joining Fitness Incentive was one of the best things I have done for myself. Working out and staying in a routine always felt like a chore. Now, I look forward to waking up early and moving my body. The classes I attend, although tough, always make me feel great when I walk out and for the remainder of the day. The personalization and love you receive from instructors are like no other. They understand that not one size fits all and provide alternatives while pushing me to achieve things I did not think I could. I am grateful Lindsay D., and I joined and look forward to many more years!

Lindsay Diemegard said:
Fitness Incentive and Cor have completely changed the way I think about health and wellness. I see my workout now as a privilege and something I can’t wait to do each day. Getting to do it all with my bestie Linds makes it so much better, too! We’ve gotten into a great routine, attending 3-4 classes per week, including stretch, abs, jump circuit, etc.

The people here are even more amazing- from taking classes together to sauna sessions. I am so happy we have started coming to Fitness Incentive. You cannot find this type of care and support anywhere else.

Another inspirational member is Liz Keller’s client, Billy Hayes.
Liz Keller & Billy

Billy doesn’t take classes but has shared his remarkable journey to health with me. (And let me add, this man does not look his age!)
Here is what Billy had to say:
First off, my thanks to Liz for sharing your experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm for nutrition and fitness. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it has been life-changing for me, as well as having a positive impact on my family. All five of us train at FI now!

My main concern with weight training was not getting injured. With your guidance, I was able to get stronger and avoid knee surgery to repair meniscus tears, which an orthopedic surgeon had recommended. Also gone are nagging back issues, which I would have to see the chiropractor for.

I feel totally confident and comfortable in the gym. It has been a great journey these past two years. I have learned so much and look forward to continued success. Thank you for all your support and for keeping it fun. This is by far the best investment I have ever made. I could not have done this without your help.

He added a message to me: Thanks for creating such a great culture at the gym. I really appreciate it!

Billy was kind enough to share his outstanding Inbody scan results with me (and you). Here’s Bill’s Inbody scan; take a look:

Billy’s numbers are impressive – in particular, his overall score of 88, his Body Fat % of 18.4%, and his visceral fat score of 6 are all excellent, especially for a 59-year-old male.

What Works? Fitness Incentive!

As these and many other members can attest, there’s just something about FI that works for them. Is it the warm, welcoming community? The instructors and trainers? The smiling faces at the desk? The personal connection that you make? Maybe it’s a combination of all of these into an undeniable chemistry that is difficult to pin down but very easy to feel. Fitness Incentive has always been and will always be a place where anyone and everyone can find their fitness. Come join us! You won’t regret it.

If you are interested in a one-on-one experience with me, consider an Inbody scan. It’s thirty minutes of focused individual attention to your needs and concerns. Sign up at the desk and ask for an Inbody with Cor.

About the Author

Cor 2022

Corinne Brown

Corinne Brown is a fitness professional with over 40 years of experience. She is the Founder and Owner of Fitness Incentive.

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