I’m in my 50’s now and I have never felt better. I firmly believe that my breakfast – along with my overall diet and consistent exercise – are responsible for that.
– Corinne Brown
Healthy Breakfast? Try Cor’s Concoction!
by Corinne Brown
Just about every day, someone asks me, “What do you eat for breakfast? What should I eat?”
OK – it’s time for the big reveal. But let’s start by saying that this breakfast “concoction” as I call it, was derived over years of trial (and error) on myself. The ingredients I use evolved based upon their impact on my energy levels, strength, and endurance.
For those of you that know me well, I hardly need to point out that I am an extremely disciplined individual. I am able to eat this breakfast, or a variation of it, every day and enjoy it. If I know something is good for me, because I experience a positive physical reaction to it, then I will do it and learn to love it. And it will taste good to me. This is not necessarily the case for everyone, and it may not be possible for you. But I suggest giving it a try because I know how well it works for me. I’m in my 50’s now and I have never felt better. I firmly believe that my breakfast – along with my overall diet and consistent exercise – are responsible for that.
So here goes, and remember this is “Cor’s way,” feel free to tweak accordingly.
The first thing I have is water with lemon; I never eat before my early morning workout, and that means 5 am for me.
After my workout, I grab a green tea in the FI café and head home. I’m usually very hungry when I get home, and so begins my concoction:
2 cups fresh organic blueberries, if not available I go for frozen organic, and if nothing else I’ll have conventional (not organic) – this goes for all the berries
1/2 cup fresh blackberries
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1/2 cup fresh strawberries
Yes, that’s a lot of berries! And yes, I eat them all!
3 Tablespoons Kal Brand Brewers Yeast Flakes
2 Tablespoons Now brand Lecithin granules*
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
2 Tablespoons Greens+ Advanced Multi Super Food Greens*
2 Tablespoons Healthforce Superfoods Spirulina
2 Tablespoons Great Lakes Hydrolysate Collagen Powder
1 Teaspoon Fresh Grated Organic Ginger Root
Note: * available at Incentives Organic Spa & Salon
In a large bowl, mix dry ingredient’s with a little water making a loose paste (I know you must be gagging, but this *%#@ works!) Then add the berries and continue mixing until it looks like green slime (see photo). Yum! Bet you can’t wait! Hey, I never said you would love it as I do, but it is effective.
It doesn’t end there, maybe two hours later I have some protein, typically eggs, fish, chicken, shrimp or whatever protein I have on hand, with either an organic green veggie, roasted or steamed or a natural salsa, typically hot – I like spicy!
Around 11:30-12 I’m ready for my lunch, and that’s another future article, for now, let’s digest this, if you can!
Corinne Brown is the founder and co-owner of Fitness Incentive. A “life coach” before the term had even been invented, she’s an expert in exercise and diet who has been practicing what she preaches for over 35 years. She teaches (and takes) group exercise classes at Fitness Incentive.