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“Did you know that the different days of the week are associated with planets?…tap into the energy of the planets to take advantage of your day! 
  • Sabrina Morici

Take Advantage of the Planets in your Workout!

Did you know that the different days of the week are associated with planets? You can tap into the energy of the planets to take advantage of your day! Below, I give suggestions on workouts that work with the planets to align your energy and your spine.

Sunday is associated with the SUN.

Solar energy is powerful, warm, life-giving, inspiring, and awakening. Lean into what helps you feel this way. Put all your energy back into yourself, letting it circulate and multiply like the sun’s swirling fire and the swirling energy of your Solar Plexus Chakra. Sundays are great for a Vinyasa Yoga. Vinyasa utilizes Ujjai breath, which warms the organs with the breath. This style of yoga and breath activates the Solar Plexus, the center of Solar energy and personal power, making you feel powerful, warm, and energized!

Monday is associated with the MOON.

The moon is known for its influence on our emotions and the ocean’s tide. The water element guides our emotions; this is why we believe the moon affects us. To dive into your emotions and begin to move and release them, practice Yin Yoga
on Mondays. Yin is a style of yoga that uses long-held deep stretches to work deep into the fascia tissue and release stuck energy. The asana in Yin is more active than Restorative Yoga, giving you more of a challenge when dealing with what comes up, physically and emotionally. As you stay in the asanas, the mind will begin to sort through the junk your body has been holding onto. Let yourself feel and heal in these poses. Then, take a warm bath, and as the water drains, visualize all the negativity leaving down the drain.

Tuesday is associated with MARS.

Mars represents action, aggression, courage, and willpower. It essentially represents the ‘inner warrior.’ Take this energy to a regimented exercise. Practices like Ashtanga, Bikrim Yoga, or Classical Pilates with a one-on-one instructor are great for Tuesday. You want a practice with strict postures and flow to perfect. Or, this could be your day for weight training with a specific series of exercises, trying to increase difficulty or weight over time. The focus is on the challenge of “you vs. you.”

Wednesday is associated with MERCURY.

Mercury is the planet of thoughts, ideas, communication, and self-expression. As a Virgo, Wednesday is MY day. Expect the mind to be busy and make sure to start your day with grounding. You may smoke cleanse with Palo Santo or Cedar Wood, step barefoot on the earth, or take a few deep breaths seated on a chair with your feet on the ground. There are many ways to become grounded. To work with the energy of Mercury, I suggest Restorative Yoga and Meditation. Restorative involves well-supported
long-held deep stretches. This gives you space to work with your thoughts and emotions like Yin, but in a more gentle way with more time to process each pose. Meditating afterward will lock in the understanding and acceptance of the energy Restorative provides, enhancing feelings of peace and grounding.

Thursday is associated with JUPITER.

Jupiter embodies the energy of expansion, growth, higher learning, optimism, and faith. This is a sacred day for rest. Resting the body so the mind has space to feel free. Dive into your hobbies, readings, and anything you’ve been wanting to learn more about. This is also a great day for Meditation and Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is a Yogic Sleep, a deep meditation that works through the Koshas for spiritual cleansing and revitalization. Even if you fall asleep, you will experience the effects of Yoga Nidra.

Friday is associated with VENUS.

Venus is love, beauty, harmony, and pleasure. It enhances our power of attraction and pursuit of joy. Venus is the planet of the feminine, so this is a great day to get together with the girls and go to Pilates. Pilates encourages a connection to the body, mind, and spirit, making it great for self-care beyond just the workout. Plus, you will usually find yourself in a female-dominated class with a female instructor who cares about you and your body. Connect with the other girls after class and soak up the power of the feminine.

Saturday is associated with SATURN.

Saturn is the planet of discipline, structure, limitation, and hard work. It encourages you to have a strong foundation in life. Hatha Yoga is the perfect way to build a strong foundation for the body, mind, and spirit. Hatha works with the Yin and Yang energy, Solar and Lunar energy, and Masculine and Feminine Energy. It provides a balance between discipline and freedom to explore. Hatha practices involve modifications so each body can flow as it needs to feel good. Modifications also allow us to accept our limits and give ourselves the support (of a prop) we need. With Hatha, you create your own personal practice that brings you feelings of grounding and peace, which helps you find your foundation.

About the Author

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Sabrina Morici

Sabrina Morici is a certified yoga and Pilates instructor at Fitness Incentive. She is also available for private and small group Pilates Reformer training.

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