“Stress is sometimes unavoidable, but how we manage it is in our control. Some may experience heart palpitations or panic attacks, while others may be feeling down or overwhelmed with worry. If any of these feelings come on, pause, take a few deep breaths and use the following common acupressure points to help balance your emotions.”
- Maria Hogan

More than five thousand years ago, the Chinese discovered that they could relieve pain by applying pressure with their fingers and hands to specific points on the body. Through instinct, trial and error, and observation, they identified hundreds of acupressure points that could help alleviate physical symptoms, benefit the function of internal organs, and balance the emotions.
Acupressure stimulates the same points as acupuncture, but instead of needles, it uses the gentle but firm pressure of the hands to release muscular tension, promote blood circulation, and stimulate the body’s natural self-healing abilities. Acupressure reaches to the center of many of the emotional imbalances and stress-related physical problems that surround our current world.
All Natural – No Side Effects
Using this natural healing art has no side effects; the best part is that your hands are the only equipment you need. The art of acupressure applies the sensitivity of the human hand to release endorphins, which are your body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals. These neurochemicals are released by your pituitary gland and get distributed through the cerebrospinal fluid into the bloodstream. Simply holding points with steady, firm pressure for a few minutes will release these pain-relief agents. There is evidence that endorphins also play an essential role in encouraging both physical and emotional healing. Tension and pain accumulate at acupressure points. As a point is held, muscular tension reacts to finger pressure, enabling the fibers of the muscle to elongate and relax, blood to flow freely, and toxins to be released and eliminated. When blood and bioelectrical energy circulate properly, you have a greater sense of harmony, health, and well-being. As a result, your symptoms are alleviated, and your circulation is increased sufficiently to restore harmony.
Acupressure points have a high electrical transference at the surface of the skin. Holding a point allows life energy to flow through the body. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this energy as chi or Qi (pronounced Chee). Meridians or channels are the energy pathways that connect acupressure points to one another and to the internal organs. An acupressure point in one part of the body can send a healing message to other parts of the body through the meridians.
Dealing With Stress
Stress is sometimes unavoidable, but how we manage it is in our control. Some may experience heart palpitations or panic attacks, while others may be feeling down or overwhelmed with worry. If any of these feelings come on, pause, take a few deep breaths and use the following common acupressure points to help balance your emotions.
PC 6/Inner Gate:
On the inside of the wrist, three fingertips above the wrist crease can relieve anxiety and a racing heartbeat. It can balance out your emotions and give you a feeling of calm.

CV17/Sea of tranquility:
When an anxiety attack occurs, CV17 is the absolute best point to use for relief. Located in the center of the breastbone, gently press and hold for three minutes.

Lu1/Letting Go and Lu2/Cloud Gate:
Use all your fingertips to hold the upper and outer chest area on both sides, three finger widths below the collar bone. Hold firmly and breathe deeply. This point can instantly calm a panic attack and release feelings of fullness in your chest.
LU2GV24/Third Eye: this point can calm you if feelings of anxiety come on or you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Located between the eyebrows, this point is the hollow spot where the bridge of the nose meets the ridge of the forehead.

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About the Author

Maria Hogan
Maria Hogan is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist. She graduated with a Masters Degree in acupuncture from the New York College of Health Professions, where she currently is a Professor and Supervisor to students in the Massage Clinic.
Maria is passionate about sharing the healing benefits of Chinese Medicine.
Believing the body should be treated as a whole, she uses many modalities to treat various conditions.