“We thought it might be interesting and helpful to ask our professional fitness trainers what works, what doesn’t, and what they themselves are planning for their New Year’s Resolutions.“

Auld Lang Syne…Again
With the New Year looming just over the horizon, many of us are already formulating our resolutions for 2024. Most of us will give them a month or two before retiring them to the “I’ll try again next year” closet. We thought it might be interesting and helpful to ask our professional fitness trainers what works, what doesn’t, and what they themselves are planning for their New Year’s Resolutions. We asked them to respond to three simple NYR questions:
1. What’s your number one tip for members to accomplish their new year’s fitness resolutions?
2. What’s the most important thing to avoid to make their New Year’s fitness resolutions successful?
3. What’s your own personal New Year’s resolution (which doesn’t have to be fitness-related)?
Here’s what they have to say:
Jillian Ammirata
My number one tip for members would be to set realistic goals that can be measured month by month. Reaching your short-term goals will make them more attainable and keep you motivated to meet your long-term goals.
The top thing I recommend avoiding is getting on the scale on a daily basis. If you are showing up, and being consistent with your diet and workouts, be patient and trust the process!
For the New Year, I want to be more present in the moment and enjoy my girls while they still want to be with me!
TJ Lynch
Establish a plan with a purpose and have someone to hold you accountable.
Avoid negative people and those who are not supportive of your goals.
My goal is to keep my body weight under 225 lbs all year.
Theresa Christensen
Set specific and realistic goals. Rather than saying, “I want to get fit,” or “I want to lose weight,” set a goal to walk 20-30 min per day or to lose at least 5 lbs of body fat in a month while maintaining or increasing muscle mass.
Avoid procrastination. After a long holiday season, it is easy to tack on another week or month before getting back into a fitness routine. Some people even feel the need to get in better shape before they hit the gym! I know it sounds cliche but use that January 1st “New Year, New Me” momentum to pick up and get back on track.
My personal goal is to make more time for myself. 2023 was a year where I felt like I was constantly on the run. I hope to be able to slow down a little more this year and make my own mental and physical health a priority.
Sean Horan
Stay consistent. Get to the gym every day you can, and good habits will grow from there.
Avoid setting unrealistic goals. Goals have to be achievable in the long term but also in the short term to keep you on task.
My main goal for 2024 is to hit my strength goals for an upcoming competition.
Linda Cunningham
Be Realistic. If you haven’t exercised, or it’s been some time, don’t start with a goal that will be hard to achieve. You’ll get burnt out before the first week is up. Instead, set a smaller, more attainable goal that will encourage rather than overwhelm.
Quitting is not an option. Avoid overdoing any class, routine, machine, etc, if you’re returning or beginning. You’ll not only be extremely sore but may end up hurting yourself and want to quit. Ease yourself back.
For myself, I’d like to spend more time outdoors during my time off in the New Year, be it hiking, bicycling, or playing pickleball if the weather permits. I’m so quick to come home from work and start my “chores,” but I’d like some outdoor time alone or with my husband, Gregg.
Jackie Niciforo
My #1 tip for members to achieve their goals this upcoming year would be to set realistic goals and stay consistent. Often, when setting fitness goals, we tell ourselves we’re “gonna start next week going back to the gym six days a week!” Let’s be honest: nine times out of ten, you don’t stick to that. Sometimes, it helps to start a little smaller and set a smaller, more realistic goal, like going three times a week for the first six weeks and seeing if that’s something you can stick to. It doesn’t have to be a huge goal; just something you know you can keep consistent.
The top mistake you should avoid to achieve your fitness goals would be not planning ahead. That can apply to a few things, such as meal prepping the Sunday before your work week and planning your week of workouts. Or it could mean sitting down and creating ideas to cook for the week. Your workouts are the same; prepare them ahead of time so when Monday morning rolls around, you aren’t trying to talk yourself out of going to the gym because you have no idea what to do! Simple preparation can go a long way!
3. My New Year’s resolution this year is to try to read 30 books by the end of the year!!
Liz Keller
Consistency over perfection. I often talk with clients about the phrase, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” Getting to the gym for 20 minutes to just sit in the sauna is better than not going at all. With diet goals, don’t be extreme and strive for perfection; it doesn’t exist. Be consistent with your diet and exercise routine, making time for it in your daily routine, and you will see a difference this year!
Avoid the “diet starts tomorrow” mentality. This type of thinking is one of the worst things you can do for your goals. If you have an off meal, treat it like that and move on. Don’t sabotage yourself by eating more just because you’ve had one bad thing. Changing this habit can reduce your indulgent episodes, which will not only reduce overall caloric intake but also improve your relationship with food.
My goal is to meditate more. In the past, I have set a goal to meditate every day and wasn’t able to be consistent with that goal. This year, I want to take time 2-3 times a week to be mindful and meditate.
Angelica Hahn
Set and achieve one goal at a time! Giving yourself too much to accomplish at once can be overwhelming and result in your giving up.
Avoid taking extreme measures. It’s never good for our bodies to push ourselves too much, too quickly. Pace yourself!
My goal: Live in the present and enjoy the everyday moments with my family!
Jourdan Ilardi
Choose resolutions you can stick to every day (or almost every day). Instead of setting unrealistic goals, like working out twice a day every day or giving up carbs for the rest of your life, try choosing smaller, more obtainable goals. The ones I love are walking every day for 15 minutes, meditating every day for 5 minutes, drinking at least 3 liters of water every day, or lifting weights 3x a week for 30 minutes. When you stick to more obtainable goals consistently, you will see big changes and avoid burnout.
Avoid the “all or nothing mentality.” It’s okay if you missed a workout or had a meal that didn’t perfectly adhere to your food plan. Move forward, get back on track, and don’t harp on it—progress over perfection!
My New Year’s resolution is to help regulate my nervous system by finding time every day to do something that brings me peace and calm.
Tasha Malkiel
My number one Healthy Holiday tip is all about the Z’s. Getting enough sleep is essential to support overall health and gut health. Did you know your body actively repairs when you sleep? If you’re not getting enough Z’s, you’re missing out on huge benefits for your whole body!
Avoid screen time 30 minutes before shut eye.
My goal for ’24 is to sleep 8- 9 hours at least five days a week.
Daniel Zona
Make your goals attainable. Start with something small and be consistent.
Don’t beat yourself up if you have a misstep. Nobody is perfect. Don’t fall off your plan from one mistake.
For myself, I want to be more creative. I have an art degree and haven’t really been focusing on that side of me in a while. I want to spend more time with charcoal and paper.
Giuseppe Ciccolella
Don’t make a resolution! Don’t put pressure on yourself. Remember there are 365 days in a year, and make each of them count…Earn your calories every day!
Avoid making resolutions: lifestyle means daily.
I have no resolution; I have goals! The older I get, the stronger I get! Full Stop!
There you have it! Have a Happy and Successful 2024!
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