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“We are in a health crisis. Illness and disease have skyrocketed, and they do not discriminate. Every age, gender, and ethnic background has been inflicted with physical and mental ailments that impact the quality and longevity of our lives.”
  • Mary Tufano


Why it’s time to take charge of your health!

We are in a health crisis. Illness and disease have skyrocketed, and they do not discriminate. Every age, gender, and ethnic background has been inflicted with physical and mental ailments that impact the quality and longevity of our lives. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to a different approach: FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE.

The rise of Functional Medicine represents a shift in the way we think about healthcare. Its method focuses on the underlying causes of health issues rather than just treating the symptoms. It uses patient-centered care, taking into account the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that contribute to one’s health. By focusing on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of an illness, Functional Medicine has the potential to transform the way we care for our health. Functional Medicine prioritizes prevention, empowerment, and personalized treatment.


Functional Medicine isn’t exactly a new concept. It’s been around for years and is now being acknowledged for its benefits. Individuals are ditching conventional practices to lean into this way of treatment.
Functional Medicine views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs that should be divided by medical specialties. It treats the whole system, not just the symptoms. It works to find the root of chronic issues such as hormonal imbalances, autoimmune conditions, digestive issues, liver/kidney dysfunction, energy production, depression/anxiety, and more. The symptoms tell us something, but the root of the problem tells us everything.

The Root Cause Solution is at the forefront of the functional medicine space. We focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues and provide personalized care for each client. Our diagnostic lab testing takes a comprehensive look into every major organ system in the body, including hormones, the immune system, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and the nervous system. We take a holistic approach to healing. We develop plans to alleviate root causes by creating a balance across all major organ systems. This plan takes into consideration your unique needs, lifestyle, and sensitivities. We use food as medicine and supplements to support healing to improve, prevent, or reverse health conditions.


Diagnostic lab testing looks for deeper imbalances and determines how well your organs and systems are functioning. They look for the root cause of your symptoms. They can also identify trends toward illness that can be stopped, slowed, or reversed through proactive treatment.
These tests provide insights into your chronic health issues by assessing the health of core systems, including hormones, immunity, and digestive functions. Diagnostic lab tests may examine your blood, stool, urine, or saliva. Below are the five foundational labs used at The Root Cause Solution:


An imbalance in your gut can lead to a host of symptoms. Comprehensive stool tests are some of the most ordered functional medicine labs because many chronic diseases originate in your gut. Stool tests are used to assess your gut function by looking for biomarkers such as inflammation, enzyme activity, dysbiosis, malabsorption, or even parasites and how they impact your hormones, immune system, and more.
The G.I. Map Stool Test includes markers for:
Gluten sensitivity.
Inflammation in the colon.
How well your immune system is functioning.
If your pancreas is excreting enough enzymes for digestion and if there is an insufficiency.
Liver detoxification and how this is impacting your hormones.
If there is blood in the stool.
Pathogens including H. Pylori, candida and other bacteria, parasites, worms, and viruses in the G.I. tract.


Hormones are signaling chemicals that influence mood, memory, sleep, libido, metabolism, menstrual cycles, and stress response. The Stress and Hormone Panel test measures 4-point cortisol, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA-S, with the addition of daytime levels of Melatonin and Secretory IgA (SigA), key indicators of immune and stress imbalance or dysfunction.
Imbalances of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, low libido, infertility, anxiety, depression, acne, and more. The Stress & Hormone Panel test uses saliva to look for hormonal imbalances in your system. Saliva testing for both male and female hormones accurately evaluates estrogen and progesterone levels. Hormone tests are beneficial for women going through menopause or who have a history of hormone-dependent cancers or hormone diseases such as endometriosis. This test also includes cortisol (the hormone most responsible for our stress response) and the DHEA marker, which can tell us if the body is experiencing adrenal fatigue. Prolonged high cortisol can lead to muscle loss, bone loss, weakened immunity, anxiety, and sleep problems. Chronic stress can keep cortisol too low, causing fatigue, aches, low body temperature, low blood sugar, and low blood pressure.


The Metabolic Wellness Profile uses your urine to measure essential processes in the body that give clues to infections, Liver function, and cell damage within the body. It measures levels of Indican, total bile acids, and 8-OHdG, which are critical metabolic markers of digestion, detoxification, and oxidative stress.
It is also an effective screening tool for assessing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), intestinal mucosal permeability, malabsorption, and poor protein digestion. The inability to digest protein may lead to adverse effects on blood sugar control, as well as hormone imbalance.


This is a blood spot test using blood from a finger prick. It tests for Intestinal Permeability and Allergies and their impact on the body. Zonulin is a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the digestive tract wall. Once triggered, Zonulin plays an important role in the creation of what we think of as “leaky gut.” Histamine is an important regulator of gut function and plays a key role in the body’s inflammatory processes in regard to allergies. Diamine Oxidase (DAO) is a primary way our body ensures that histamine levels stay in check.


The MRT Food Sensitivity Test is one of the most important tests you will ever take. It screens for hidden inflammatory responses to 147 different foods and 30 chemicals found in everyday products, including household cleaning products, makeup, skincare, and more. It includes a 90 Day Anti-inflammatory and elimination diet specific to you and your results. It not only gives you the foods you are sensitive to but also provides you with your BEST foods for optimal health! This test is performed as a blood draw using three vials.

The Root Cause Solution:

  • Focuses on a healthcare model, not a disease care model.
  • Looks for THE ROOT CAUSE, not just chasing symptoms.
  • Bridges the gap between medical care and SELF-CARE.
  • Applies a drug-free and NATURAL PROTOCOL to healing.

If you are interested in learning more, contact me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. 631.629.9942

About The Author

mary t headshot (400 × 400 px)

Mary Tufano

Mary Tufano is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) and founder of The Root Cause Solution, a full-service diagnostic lab testing company.

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