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“Who should we believe when it comes to exercise? What should we trust with the very important goal of making us stronger and healthier? The answer is those who have immersed themselves in the fundamentals of fitness. ”
  • Giuseppe Ciccolella, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MES

Taking Training – and Our Trainers – To the Next Level

If you subscribe to watch YouTube videos or Instagram stories about fitness, chances are you are overwhelmed. Content ranges from the difficult-to-decipher to information that is cherry-picked to elicit a “Like.” Unless you are prepared to do your own research, you are stuck with the information you have stumbled upon. In a world where “too much information” rules, who can we trust? What can we believe?

What if I told you there had not been a true watershed moment in fitness since 1950? Scientists the likes of Boris Aleshin, Igor Eskin, Vassily Komissarenko, Samual Leites, Michael Kolpakov, and countless others who are not household names wrote the “definitive book” of acute and chronic physical adaptation in or before 1958. The science of training and training adaption is clear. Many may want to borrow and distort pieces of the information gleaned from it to suit their narrative, but none have rewritten the fundamental principles of exercise and neuromuscular adaptation.

Upgrading the Facility and the Staff

During the summer, Fitness Incentive made major strides in updating the training facility. Yet, the most important investment made was not in the layout and equipment but in the training staff. The idea was simple: develop a high-performance training program based on the fundamental scientific research available to us since the late fifties. To achieve that goal, however, we first needed to understand the vessel in which stressors were to be applied: the human body.

Taking It to the Next Level: In-house Certification

Over the course of 20 hours, every trainer on staff came to understand how the human body operates. Anatomy and exercise physiology were the primary focus, with emphasis on all the bones and muscles of the body. Special attention was placed on the origins of each muscle, insertion of muscle to bone, contraction of muscle, which muscle was responsible for what action, and how to identify when one was not doing its job. The study of anatomy and physiology naturally progressed to topics such as specific adaptation, special populations, exercise progression, exercise choices, conditioning, and strength building. Movement screens were adopted to identify areas of concern and underdevelopment in clients so that trainers could compile exercises that would prevent injuries while achieving the client’s goals.

Who Do You Trust?

So, going back to the original query: Who should we believe when it comes to exercise? What should we trust with the very important goal of making us stronger and healthier? The answer is those who have immersed themselves in the fundamentals of fitness. Fitness Incentive trainers have undergone such a transformation. They have accrued more knowledge and useful information about their trade than any ‘fit-fluencer’ I know. They possess more tools than the average trainer and have the acumen to help develop anyone who is willing to work hard at it. Simply put, they are the best Long Island has to offer.

Hats off to all the trainers at Fitness Incentive who undertook the hours of study and testing. For me, it was a pleasure to share the knowledge, and it was a joy to watch them learn. At the end of September, the team picks up where they left off—taking on more advanced, challenging coursework.

Fitness Incentive’s mission has always been to build bodies that last—this PT team has been empowered to do just that. Their commitment to continuous learning should reassure you of their dedication and capacity to guide you on your fitness journey.


Contact me today for a free consultation: or call: 1-917-817-8373

About The Author


Giuseppe Ciccolella

Giuseppe Ciccolella, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MES, is an NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialistand a certified Medical Exercise Specialist, as well as a USA-certified boxing coach. He has over 25 years of experience helping people of all ages and abilities achieve their wellness goals. He is the manager of the Personal Training Department at FI.

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