The harsh winter months are upon us. Your hair, just like your skin, can become extra dry.
- Lauren McGovern

Here are some Incentives on how to keep lovely locks looking as fresh and shiny as they did when you stepped outside the Salon.
The harsh winter months are upon us. Your hair, just like your skin, can become extra dry. Static becomes an issue as well. First, understand hair is very vulnerable during these months of gusty winds and wet-frozen weather, which can cause your hair to freeze and possibly break. It’s a common problem, and you are not alone in wondering, “Why is my hair so dry?”
Here Are Some Tips:
Wear a hat
Cover your hair during the winter months to shield it from the moisture-robbing dry air, snow, wind, and rain. These elements dry your hair out, making it more prone to breakage. Wool, cotton, and other fabrics can cause breakage as well, so make sure to line your hat with silk or satin to help prevent damage. Fight static electricity under your hat by using a dry oil spray. Dry oils are weightless and contain natural oils that moisturize hair, bringing back its shine.
Buy a humidifier.
Want to know a surprising way to fight dry hair in the winter? Use a humidifier. Indoor heating causes the air in your home to become very dry, pulling moisture out of your hair. Humidifiers help rehydrate the air to keep your tresses looking lustrous.
Trim your hair regularly
I am sure your stylist has recommended this before, but it becomes especially crucial during this season. Trimming your hair every four to eight weeks – even ten weeks – is the path to maintaining the health of your hair. This can and most certainly will reduce the chances of developing dry, split hair.
Lower the water temperature when you shower
Hot water will pull moisture from your hair, causing it to become brittle and more vulnerable to damage/dryness. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and follow with a cool rinse instead. I recommend taking a shower in the evening so your hair can air dry. Use this time to explore new styles like twists, braids, and buns. Less heat will make a difference indefinitely.
Combine an Oil Treatment and a weekly Hair Mask
When winter wreaks havoc on your hair, restore moisture with an oil-based hair treatment. A lightweight leave-in formula with argan oil (make sure it’s real argan oil) can certainly revitalize dry, damaged hair. Ask your stylist which products are best for you. Skincare and hair care are truly parallel, meaning finding the most effective products that work from the inside out, just like your daily skincare regimen, is crucial. This is the ONLY way to help secure the health of your hair and reap the benefits of a gorgeous mane. The fact is when it comes to dry, damaged hair, the proper products can reverse the effects of dryness while making sure your hair is protected at an optimal level all year round. Silicone-based products or anything equivalent are topical and merely a bandage. Hair masks are quick and easy to use. They are loaded with hair health benefits like softening, hydrating and adding shine, and are effective in under 20-minutes.
At Incentives, we can guide you to find a hair prescription that works best for your texture and as well as your daily routine.
Follow these tips, and with a little extra effort, you can keep your hair hydrated and looking and feeling great!
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About the Author
Lauren McGovern
Lauren McGovern is a licensed Hair Professional at Incentives Organic Spa & Salon.