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The benefit to you is less noise, less stress, and less chaos.

Heidi Manzo

Rose working her magic.

It’s a tempting, seductive concept: “If a little is good, then more must be better.” A little money? Yay! More money? Yaaaaay! But the truth is that more often than not, the reverse is true: Less Is More. Most of us can probably quickly recall instances in our lives where this truth is plainly seen. For example,  two cookies and a glass of milk for a snack = nice!  A whole box and a quart = ugh.  Overdoing anything is usually a bad idea, and generally there’s a proper quantity of just about everything.

We at Incentives like to think that the philosophy of Less Is More applies right here at Incentives Organic Spa and Salon.  In particular, we pride ourselves on offering a different experience in our Hair Salon than you might find in larger, more crowded, noisier shops.  Our highly professional and experienced staff strives to provide you with a relaxing, tranquil, quiet, and peaceful experience.  We want this time to be YOUR time:  Time to relax, unwind, and decompress.  At any given time we will have one or two of our highly experienced staff in the salon, not five to ten like some of the bigger salons.  The benefit to you is less noise, less stress, and less chaos.

Maybe we strive to provide this environment because Incentives is both a Spa (environments we usually associate with calm) and a Salon, and maybe serenity isn’t the first word that comes to mind when you think about hair salons. But it’s a difference we value. Our highly satisfied customers seem to agree, and we think you’ll appreciate the difference as well.

“Had a blowout with Rose! Loved the results!”

 “Went to Rose for a blowout. I absolutely love it! It feels really soft! Rose is very sweet, loves what she does, is really into being creative and listening to what you want.”

 “Rose is warm and welcoming. Committed to providing client with the results she wants.”

 Absolutely love Crystelle

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About the Author


Heidi Manzo

Heidi Manzo is the manager of Incentives Organic Spa and Salon @ Fitness Incentive.

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