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“My son had struggled with night terrors and restless night sleeps for the last year or two…I looked to Dina for help. She suggested diffusing lavender oil in his room as he slept. The first night we did it he slept through the night. Of course being a skeptic, I thought it was a fluke, but night after night he has continued to sleep. “

Because I have been using essential oils for years, (thus my tagline: “there’s an oil for that”) many people ask me for advice and which oils to use for certain situations. It is important to note I am not a certified Aromatherapist. However, I share information based on my personal experience and research. Please be sure to research further on your own or consult a certified Aromatherapist for any further clarification you may feel you need.

Those of us who use essential oils can attest to the fact that they provide many health benefits. From helping with allergies, cold symptoms, and headaches to helping to relieve stress and anxiety and promoting restful sleep, essential oils are a natural way to promote overall health!

Many people have asked my opinion and advice regarding using essential oils on their children. One of the most common inquiries is which oils can they use to help their children sleep!

Studies show that lavender essential oil seems to soothe and relax infants and toddlers as well as promote restful sleep. This is not surprising to us “Oilers”! Lavender is the most well-known oil used for sleep issues because it is calming and is known to have great sedative properties.

That being said, lavender is not the only essential oil useful in promoting restful sleep. However, in my opinion, it is the most effective and universal oil when it comes to our little ones. Always be sure to use 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. I recommend Young Living Essential oils (available at Incentives Spa). These oils are free from pesticides, fragrances, fillers and synthetic additives. When using these pure oils, 1-2 drops is often all that you need!

When applying essential oils to babies and toddlers, be sure to use a carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba, almond oil. Carrier oils help to distribute the essential oils more evenly, and they also dilute the concentration of the pure oils and help keep them from evaporating too quickly.
As a guideline, when diluting; use 1-2 drops per 2 tablespoons of carrier oil for a baby, and 1-2 drops per 1/2-1 teaspoon for a toddler or preschooler.

A few simple ways to try to promote restful sleep for your little ones:
– Apply 1-2 drops Lavender oil on the crown of the head and behind the ears and soles of the feet.
– Put a few drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle with distilled water and spray on your child’s pillow, bedding, and even stuffed animals that they may sleep with.
– Try a massage before bed! (Especially effective with infants) Dilute essential oils accordingly and gently massage to arms, legs, back, belly, feet, and ears.
– Diffuse a few drops of lavender in your child’s bedroom. Best to use a cold air ultrasonic diffuser. This can also help with respiratory problems and purify the air in your child’s room.
– Put a few drops of essential oil in your child’s bath water.

Other oils that can help promote restful sleep:
– Roman Chamomile
– Frankincense
– Cedarwood


A few months ago my client, Heather, asked me what oils she could use to help her 9-year-old son sleep. She told me he suffered from night terrors and never, ever slept through the night. I suggested she diffuse lavender oil in his room at night. I lent her one of my diffusers and gave her some lavender oil to try for a few nights and see if it worked! Well here’s what Heather has to say:

My son had struggled with night terrors and restless night sleeps for the last year or two. After coming to Pilates class exhausted from lack of sleep because of my son, I looked to Dina for help. She suggested diffusing lavender oil in his room as he slept. The first night we did it he slept through the night. Of course being a skeptic, I thought it was a fluke, but night after night he has continued to sleep. His disposition is so much better now that he is getting a good night sleep. 😊

Needless to say, Heather purchased a diffuser for Jack, and they use it every night. To this day, I am told, Jack sleeps through the night and does not experience any more night terrors!!

In December 2015, I was at a friend’s Christmas party. Her niece mentioned she would be leaving for a trip to Ireland in two days and she was very concerned that her 2-year-old son Liam would not sleep. She explained to me how Liam was a horrible sleeper, never slept through the night and she just knew the 7-hour flight to Ireland was going to be a nightmare. I suggested she use Lavender and Frankincense essential oils and see if they worked. Well, guess what? Worked like a dream! It is now two years later, and 4-year-old Liam is a great sleeper with a little help from the essential oils. He loves nap time and bedtime, and so do mom and dad! Here’s a word from Liam’s mom, Jamie:

Liam was never a good sleeper until I asked Dina for help. We were going on our first international flight, and I was panicked. A little lavender behind his ears and Frankincense on his head — for a nap or nighttime and he is out like a light. Just took him on another 7-hour overnight, and because of Dina, we had no issues. The best part is that it’s all natural.

Liam on the way to Ireland, 2015

I spoke to Jamie yesterday, and she told me that since 2015, Liam has made eight international flights and has no issues with sleeping since using the essential oils!

These are just two of many success stories with regards to essential oils! Please email me: with any questions or comments!

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About the Author

Yoga Scentsation

Dina Voigt

Dina Voigt is the Manager of Fitness Incentives Pilates and Yoga programs.  She is a PMA-certified Pilates trainer, a certified Yoga instructor, a Personal Trainer, Group exercise instructor, and Cycle instructor.

Contact her at with any questions or for further information.

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