Katie’s new level of motivation stemmed from an exciting place. Her only daughter was getting married, and she was looking for a change (or, at a minimum, jacked arms).
- Eileen Jacinth

Meet Katie Ohman.
She’s been a member of FI since the days at Grove Place. That’s at least 25 years! I’ve seen her countless times in both my classes and others. Always lean and gorgeous, she decided to shake up her game and take her fitness level to a new level.
Her new level of motivation stemmed from an exciting place. Her only daughter was getting married, and she was looking for a change (or, at a minimum, jacked arms). So six weeks before the event she approached me for some guidance. We met, came up with a plan, and hit the ground running, literally and figuratively.
Shredding for the Wedding
The goal was to both shed a few pounds and put on lean muscle mass. “Shredding for the wedding,” is what she called it. I explained to Katie, she needed to lift more weights and eat impeccably clean. She was an awesome listener. Despite bridal showers and a bachelorette party in Nashville, Katie persevered.
She trained with me two days a week and started seeing results quickly, which inspired her to work harder. She worked well outside her comfort zone with things like heavy free weights, reformer training, and TRX. She was a stellar student, and it showed everywhere!
With the impending day coming up fast upon her, her motivation was undeniable. Working hard both inside and outside the gym, Katie exercises at home. Simple things like push-ups and dips throughout her day aided in her success.
But abs are made in the kitchen, so there was no wiggle room with my nutritional plan. I gave her a weekly list of food to incorporate into her diet. “This is what you get to eat,” I explained. I loved watching her looks of dismay and shock. I advised her just to follow the plan and everything would fall in place, and it did. But not without negotiations.
Katie loves to negotiate.
Via text, calls, or face to face, everything was up for discussion. But can I eat this? You really want me to lift that? That’s way too early for me! Working with her was always entertaining.
Despite her questioning my plan, she did follow all of it. The nutritional plan, the cardio plan, the weight lifting plan, she followed them all implicitly. And she definitely reaped the rewards. She hit her goal weight, which she thought she never would! She hit her body fat goal! She killed it, and it showed!
Congratulations, Katie!
Katie’s perspective:
When I decided I needed the motivation to shred for my daughter’s wedding, I knew Eileen would be the perfect fit for me. After all, the writing’s on the wall at the gym, it was a no-brainer! It was by no means easy, especially in the summer! The first 2 weeks of detox was toughest for sure! Green and protein clear liquids only! Whenever I wanted to give up she would take me upstairs to weigh in, and that would show me all the hard work that was so worth it! Best decision I made! Thanks for pushing me and not letting me give up !!
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About the Author

Eileen Jacinth
Eileen Jacinth is an AAAI/ISMA-certified Personal Trainer, a Group Exercise Instructor, and a certified Spin Instructor at Fitness incentive.