She Turned Her Can’ts into Can’s and Her Dreams Into Plans
- Danielle Tinnirello on Payton Mathews

Transformations don’t happen overnight by any means.
But A LOT can change in a year. At the start of the contest last year, March 2018, I had the privilege of working with Payton Mathews on one of my Fantastic Four teams. In only ten short weeks with a lot of progress made from all four members, this Co-Ed Team had taken 1st Place for the most cumulative weight and inches lost as a team.
The contest kickstarted Payton’s Journey.
It wasn’t easy at first, especially working out at 7 pm, on a team with her parents, after having a busy day of school, studies, sports, and extra activities. As time went on, she lost her excuses, she progressed every week, some weeks more than others (WHICH IS OKAY), and most importantly she was willing to learn. Since the contest, she has been able to not only sustain her weight loss but to continue it. PAYTON HAS LOST A TOTAL OF 115lbs!
Usually when we map out our grand plan – for today, tomorrow, life, business, goals, etc. – we put the finish flag at the end. However, Payton has celebrated her small victories, her little wins, her steps of progress along her journey which has given her the motivation to change her ROUTINE into her LIFESTYLE.

Here’s what she has to say:
D: Why did you join the contest?
P: My initial goal was to lose weight. I was sick and tired of always being a “big girl.”
D: How did the contest help you kick off your initial weight loss?
P: I was training at least 2 times per week and on a set daily caloric intake. It helped me maintain my food choices.
D: What were your biggest struggles?
P: My biggest struggle at first was my appetite. I wasn’t enjoying the food, and it was hard not eating sugar. After a couple of weeks, I got used to the food, started to really enjoy it, realized my stomach was shrinking, and I was getting full faster!
D: How have you maintained your weight loss since the contest?
P: I keep up with going to the gym and continue to eat healthy (which I now love). I strength train 2-3 times a week and have a few days of cardio. I also log my food to keep me on track.
D: What is your secret to success?
P: Just believe in yourself. Take progress pictures; it will be your motivation. It’s all about your mindset, and what you want to achieve. It’s not about winning the contest; IT’S ABOUT SETTING A GOAL AND BREAKING IT. It’s not about how much weight you lose either; IT’S ABOUT HOW YOUR BODY TRANSFORMS.
D: Do you think things would have been different if you didn’t do the contest last year?
P: Yes, things would be 100% different. I would have gained more weight, and probably never would have tried to eat healthily or lose weight.
D: What are your current fitness goals?
P: My current goals with personal training is to build muscle. It’s not about weight loss anymore; it’s about my health, and how much happier I am mentally and physically now. Danielle is a great personal trainer, and she understands the struggles, but she is always there to reach out to
for advice and always keeps it real.
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About the Author

Danielle Tinnirello
Danielle Tinnirello is an ISSA-certified Personal Trainer and AFAA-certified Group Instructor. She specializes in fat loss, functional fitness, strength, conditioning, weight training, and H.I.I.T training.