As master yoga teacher Bryan Kest says, “Yoga is no pain, no injury.”
- Karen Britton

Extend Your Angles for a Healthier and Stronger Body
One of my favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson is “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
Yoga is No Pain, No Injury
Going slow in yoga allows us to get into the right alignment. Moving in micro-movements while holding a posture allows one to feel how the body is responding so that little adjustments we make will result in getting the benefits without injury. As master yoga teacher Bryan Kest says, “Yoga is no pain, no injury.”
Full awarenesses is cultivated. Then we can feel space within our bodies and be in tune to its reaction in the pose. When the body is silent, you may deepen, but if your body gives you a sign to stop, listen. It s the only one you have, take care of it and move to your own degree. If your body doesn’t agree, modify, take rest, and make it a safe and healthy practice.
Don’t rush to begin the posture. Approach it slowly, don’t rush to the end of the posture. What’s important is to enjoy the “middles.” That’s where we get to explore our range of motion and how the posture is touching our bodies.
One particular posture that benefits our entire body is Called “Extended Side Angle.”
- It’s a lateral bend of the spine which massages the abdominal organs.
- Nourishes spinal column and spinal nerves with a fresh blood supply.
- Expands the chest.
- Increases strength and flexibility in legs, ankles, knees, hips, waits, and shoulders.
- Strengthens the core.
- Helps tone the waistline.
- Tones thighs and hips.
- Can help to relieve sciatica and arthritic pains.
- Increases peristaltic activity and aids elimination.
- Do not bend forward or backward or twist while in the posture.
- Keep your head and neck in line with the spine. Do not look down, without tilting your head, only move your eyes and gaze to extended hand.
- Do not let your chest and hips turn towards the mat, keep them facing out. Hips and shoulders should be stacked to the best of your ability.
- If you struggle to keep your balance, practice against a wall.
- Your body should be warmed up before doing the posture.
- Follow up with a counter posture such as a wide stance forward bend.
- Inhale to come out of the posture and switch sides. Also, inhale to come out of the posture to complete it.
Hold each side of the posture for five breaths. Hold the counter posture for five breaths.
Watch the video for more instruction and modifications.
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About the Author

Karen Britton
Karen Britton is a certified Yoga Instructor and a regular contributor to Fit to Print. She teaches Yoga classes and programs at Fitness Incentive.