The fact is, many commercially purchased insect repellents contain ingredients and chemicals that can be harmful to humans and pets. I personally do not like using chemicals, in or around my home…I try to avoid it at all costs.Enter Essential Oils!
Dina Voigt
Essential Oils for Summer
And just like that, it’s that time of year again! Summer is upon us, family gatherings, cooking and eating outdoors, boat rides, beach, fun in the sun, spending as much time as possible outdoors. However, we humans are not the only creatures that swarm to the outdoors during the summer months! Everyone knows that insects also love the warm summer months! Mosquitoes, flies, ants,, fleas and ticks among them! While these pesky little critters can completely ruin a fabulous day outdoors, some of them can be outright dangerous. Not only can they be annoying, but they can also bite, sting and even carry disease and cause allergic reactions in you and your pets!
Many people use commercial bug repellents, sprays, creams, oils, lotions, candles, etc. The fact is, many commercially purchased insect repellents contain ingredients and chemicals that can be harmful to humans and pets. I, personally do not like using chemicals, in or around my home or on/in mine and my pet’s body. I try to avoid it at all costs.
Enter Essential Oils! Not only do I make homemade insect repellents for myself and my dogs, I also use essential oils in case I do get a bite or a sting (although it is rare since my repellents work so well!)
There are many essential oils that repel and even kill those bloodsucking, biting, stinging insects! Here are just a few of MY favorite insect repelling oils:
- Basil
- Peppermint
- Eucalyptus
- Cedarwood
- Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
- Lemon (and other citrus)
- Grapefruit
- Lime
- Bergamot
- Lavender
- Thyme
- Geranium
- Pine
- Cinnamon
- Citronella
- Thyme
- Lemongrass
Peppermint is one of the most universally effective essential oils in the fight against insects. Its strong scent works on the Olfactory senses of mosquitoes, flies, gnats, fleas, and ticks! WOW!
You can create your very own repellent recipes by experimenting with the essential oils, white vinegar, water, Witch Hazel and even Vodka! Make a few of different sizes! Be sure to take with you to the beach, the backyard, camping, on the boat, etc.
I am going to share some of my very favorite recipes so you can create your own sprays and lotions to stay insect free this summer! Please note the measurement amounts are just suggestions, it all depends on the size of your bottle or jar. Adjust accordingly and be creative.
10-15 drops Lavender oil
5-10 drops Lemon or lemongrass oil
5-10 drops Eucalyptus oil
5-10 drops Melaleuca oil (Tea Tree)
6 drops Lime oil
Add to your spray bottle full of water or distilled white vinegar or a little of both. Shake well and spray!
5-10 drops Basil oil
5-10 drops Lavender oil
5-10 drops Peppermint
5-10 drops Cedarwood oil
Add to your bottle full of water – shake and spray
5-10 drops Cinnamon oil
5-10 drops Lemon oil
Add to your water, shake and spray
Specific to repelling mosquitoes: Basil, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Cedarwood, Tea Tree(Melaleuca), Rosemary, Geranium, Citronella
Flies and Gnats (including Horseflies) –
5-10 drops Lavender oil
5-10 drops Peppermint oil
5-10 drops Cedarwood oil
Add to your bottle full of water, shake well and spray
5-10 drops Peppermint oil
5-10 drops Rosemary oil
5-10 drops Thyme
5-10 drops Cedarwood oil
Specific to repelling flies: Peppermint, Basil, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Rosemary
5-10 drops Clove oil
5-10 drops Peppermint oil
5-10 drops Cinnamon oil
5-10 drops Basil oil
5-10 drops Thyme oil
5-10 drops Rosemary oil
Combine with water and spray the area you want to keep them away from. Spray on countertops etc. if you have ants in the home.
To keep ants out of the home, spray around baseboards and porches and house entry perimeters.
Specific to repelling ants:
Clove, Peppermint, cinnamon, basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano
Fleas and Ticks
Note: Ticks hate the smell of vinegar…this alone can repel them, they hate most essential oils too! A friend of mine found a tick on her jacket and did an experiment. She put the tick on a piece of white paper where she had drawn a circle and put a drop of various essential oils in spots around the circle and left one part of the circle free and clear. Every time the tick came even close to an oil, it turned around and went toward the exit point of the circle. Each time she directed it back toward any of the oils (peppermint, lavender, tea tree were among them) it wouldn’t go near them!!! If you are ever unfortunate enough to come that close to a tick, feel free to try it yourself!
For Your Pet…
Add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle
Add 2 cups distilled white vinegar
Add two spoonfuls of Sweet almond oil or vegetable oil (these contain sulfur – another natural tick repellent)
Add essential oils such as Lavender, Peppermint, clove, cinnamon, lemongrass
Shake well and spray on your dog’s dry coat
Ticks and Fleas:
2-3 spoons of lemon juice – add citrus blend oil, lemongrass and/or Peppermint oil
Spray on dog’s dry coat (avoid eyes and other sensitive areas)
If the dog is spending extended time outdoors be sure to reapply as needed. If just going outside to go to the bathroom spray a bit on before letting him/her outside.
For you:
2 cups distilled vinegar
1 cup Water
Add Eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, and any citrus oil
Spray on your clothing, skin, hair, etc. when spending time outdoors. Reapply as needed every 4 hours.
More “on the go” sprays to repel ticks and fleas:
5-10 drops Peppermint oil
5-10 drops Lemongrass oil
5-10 drops Thyme oil
Combine in spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and water
5-10 drops Cedarwood oil
5-10 drops Pine oil
5-10 drops Basil oil
Combine in spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and water
5-10 drops Lemon oil (or other citrus)
5-10 drops Peppermint oil
Combine in spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and water
Any of the above can be sprayed on you, your clothing and your dog’s dry fur (avoid getting into eyes and other sensitive areas).
Specific to ticks and fleas: Peppermint, Geranium, Thyme, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, Lavender, Basil, Pine, Vetiver, Lemongrass and other citrus (fleas) (also vinegar and sulphuric)
Favorite for treating insect bites:
10 drops Tea Tree oil
10 Drops Peppermint oil
Mix and apply directly to bite as needed
10 drops Tea Tree oil
10 drops Lavender oil
Combine and apply directly to bite as needed
10 drops Tea Tree oil
5 drops Lavender oil
5 drops Cedarwood oil
Specific to bug bites- Tea Tree, Lavender, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Frankincense Lemongrass, Purification
Something I saw on Facebook that I would like to share with you:
“Anytime I’m out doing a little preseason scouting or hiking into my favorite off the beaten path fishing holes I always bring a lint roller with me to remove ticks from my clothing. Simply roll the lint roller all over your clothing like you would if you were trying to remove lint or hair. You’d be amazed by the number of ticks I have rolled off my clothing that I would have never known were there. This works especially well for the tiny “seed ticks.” If you use multiple sheets of the adhesive paper be sure to take your trash with you- pack it in, pack it out!”
Facebook tick trick
I thought this was a great idea, so figured I would share it here for those of you not on Facebook, or those who just have not seen it!
Use a lint roller right (pictured above) after being in the woods or on a brush walk. For humans and pets: This could be the most important thing that you see me post! Ticks are an epidemic this year, and these things are as lethal as a venomous snake in the wrong scenario! Please do not only read this but share it! Make sure we get the word out about these tics and the disease they carry!
A few important tips about your homemade repellents:
- Test the oils to see which scents you like better and which may work better for you – Be Creative!!!
- Adjust measurement amounts depending on size of your bottle/jar.
- Always shake your mixtures well before using.
- If possible, use dark colored bottles to keep integrity of the oils and don’t leave in direct sunlight.
- Avoid eyes and other sensitive areas.
- Any of the above recipes can be made into a “rub on” lotion or ointment – just choose your carrier oil, about 2
- Tablespoons, into a bowl or jar and add 10-20 drops essential oils of choice, mix and rub onto your skin.
- Stock up today on your essential oils at Incentives Organic Spa!
Please feel free to contact me: dina@fitnessincentive.com with any questions or for more information.
The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information in this article is in no way intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or illness. if you feel you have a medical condition, you are urged to seek the help of a medical professional. The suggestions in this article are for use with Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and no other.
Use caution when using essential oils around infants, children, and pets. Some essential oils should be completely avoided around young children and cats
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About the Author

Dina Voigt
Dina Voigt is the Manager of Fitness Incentives Pilates and Yoga programs. She is a PMA-certified Pilates trainer, a certified Yoga instructor, a Personal Trainer, Group exercise instructor, and Cycle instructor.
Contact her at dina@fitnessincentive.com with any questions or for further information.