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Using the new Aerolase Neo Laser machine, you get rid of Toe-Nail Fungus and have healthy-looking toenails after just a few treatments.

Kathy Roccogrande

Laser Nail Fungus Removal and Laser Spider Vein Removal

Have you ever heard that toenails need to breathe between pedicures? While it’s important to give your nails a break from wearing polish frequently, allowing them to breathe is a myth. The truth is, nails do not actually “breathe” as they receive their nutrients and oxygen from the bloodstream and not the air. But that’s not to say you should wear polish all the time; it just means oxygen deprivation is not the reason for your peeling and dryness.

When nail polish is left on for a prolonged period, the pigment in the polish can soak into the top few layers of the nail and dry it out. White rough patches on the nail bed can form, which could also be a result of the acetone in the nail polish removers, which cause nails to separate, split, peel, and break. This invites further problems such as yeast, bacteria, mold, and mildew, which can develop underneath the nail plate.  When this happens, a fungus may be present.

Incentives Organic Spa and Salon now offers LASER NAIL FUNGUS REMOVAL as a specialty service to help heal toenail fungus infections. Using the new Aerolase Neo Laser machine, you can have healthy-looking toenails after just a few treatments.

I have personally suffered from toenail fungus for many years, so offering this service to my clients is very important to me.  I used to be an avid runner and enjoy many forms of exercise as part of my daily routine.  Over the years, my toenails took a beating in the dark, damp, and warm environment of my running shoes.  I tried every over-the-counter treatment and many topical prescriptions.  One doctor recommended an oral anti-fungal, which can cause liver damage, and that’s where I drew the line. I would rather live with fungus and keep my healthy liver. When I learned that the Aerolase Neo Laser treats this condition, I immediately tried it on myself.  The treatment takes about 10 minutes and feels nice and warm. The protocol calls for two to four treatments spaced two weeks apart.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but after two treatments, the yellowing fungus and white marks were almost completely gone!

Before and After Aerolase:

Incentives Organic Spa and Salon is also excited to offer LASER SPIDER VEIN REMOVAL.

This non-invasive and painless therapy helps destroys tiny blood vessels without harming the overlying skin. Because our bodies have millions of these tiny vessels, we can afford to lose the affected ones without any harm to our body whatsoever. The body will then flush away the destroyed tissues over time, and the visible veins will gradually disappear, leaving the skin smooth and clear.

In addition to my toenail fungus, I suffer from many unsightly spider veins on my ankles and legs, which I have tried getting rid of with other lasers, but without success. After one treatment with the Aerolase Neo Laser, my veins were still visible but faded in color and looked much better.  By my second treatment, they were nearly gone.  The Laser Spider Vein removal therapy is a series of four treatments spaced one month apart.

Spider Veins Before and After Aerolase:

Considering how many people suffer from these two conditions that are unpleasant and hard to treat, I am thrilled to add these services to our menu. We want to bring the best and most results-oriented procedures to the Spa.  We spend a lot of time researching new technology and trying out machines that give our clients the BEST results in every area of skincare, including your legs and toes!

Stop by the Spa or call for a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION today!

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About the Author

Kathy Roccogrande

Kathy Roccogrande

Kathy Roccogrande is a licensed esthetician, nurse, and laser technician working at Incentives Organic Spa and Salon. She has extensive experience working with cosmetic lasers, including working as the director of a medical spa in a cosmetic surgery center.

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